People have asked ME Why I Give at Least 25% Upvotes to ALL Peeps who Visit my Blog and leave a Decent Comment??

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Well the answer in short is ...

because it is very gratifying. And because I can. Also I just love to engage with others.


I know how tough it is to be on the other side where you post decent Comments and no one Upvotes you or recognizes your contribution.

Not to sound high and mighty ...

but what's that saying "Do unto others as you would want them......"


Anyway, I do enjoy helping out people in this manner ( as I'm blessed with some half decent SP) and it really has been one crucial factor that motivates me to stay here....even though I just make pennies on my blog and vlog posts.

Cheers to Giving,
Robert Andrew :)

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The golden rule of life is one of the best thing to happen in this platform Sir @robertandrew but sometimes it is not being practiced by some others but it is just good to help others by rewarding them with their contribution like comments in posts.

Tanks brother Crypt for such a kind post :)

even if only with 25% of the votes they might be satisfied and proud of all your goodness, hopefully your kindness will be a blessing

Yes and sometimes I will give 50% or 100% if the mood and content strikes me :)

I have been trying to upvote comments more, but right now, my SP isn't at a place where my VP can sustain it. I have to be pretty sporadic about what I do and when. It has become quite the dance trying to get my VP back up while feeling I am doing a good job engaging with everyone. I know that as long as I keep plugging away one day I will be where I need to be!

You will get there @bozz. Thanks as always for your great Comments :)

You have been really helpful and motivating to your followers and has show your appreciation to your faithful followers who write decnet comments and follow your day to day blogging activities on this platform . Keep up your nice work of motivation and appreciation to your followers

Glad to see your way of rewarding comments.
Keep up the good work mr @robertandrew

Posted using Partiko Android

You pretty cool too coolguy222 :)

Yes You are right, friend ... you have helped people with your Steem Power. God will bless you.


Not to mention those upvotes you give eventually come back to you, too. They may not have the value you have, but they will still support you nonetheless. And that's something right there!

Absolutely right @ddrfr33k

everyone must feel happy with you, comment and continue to interact

Yes interaction is key @agil04

Sir this thung and this cool attitudes is making you different. No need to follow other people guide just do what you feel right

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much for the support @mihirbarot

You are quite right my friend. And i am happy as you are giving a helping hand to others. Pray that God will reward you as only Him can do so. There is always a reward for helping

the sound you give is very meaningful for them