Yesterday was my first day spending much of my time on Steemit. I introduced myself, poked around the website and block explorer, curated some content, and set up a miner. It was a lot of fun, and I came across some truly interesting content that was satisfying to read. I am hooked.
One question I had yesterday was, what mobile apps are available, if any? I couldn't find any after searching around. I figure someone is working on something, it's just in stealth mode.
piston and streemian. The Streemian concept seems like a great way to get content producers involved with Steemit, without disrupting their current workflow of publishing their content elsewhere. Many creators have very particular workflows, or little extra time to play with new tools. Take George R. Martin, who only writes his books on WordStar for DOS:I continued to poke around and come across some tools by @xeroc (which I have not used yet, but I'm sure are excellent),
This got me to thinking, is there any merit is making a Snapchat-like clone that would auto-post to Steem with a specific tag? Personally, I am not a Snapchat user. I have had it in the past, and actually got rid of it because I found it annoying, mostly due to the generally low quality of content I perceived. Once in while, there would be something really excellent, but of course it was only maybe 20 seconds long, and it's not like you can really develop the depth of content found on Steemit in that short amount of time. On the other hand, one of the pluses of snapchat's UI is that it already has a voting mechanism built in, which would correlate to upvoting in Steem.
Talking to friends and acquaintances that use Snapchat, they actually have conversations using it (this is very inefficient if you ask me). There is a ton of people out there who love using it. What would the analogous app for Steem look like? Something tells me if it was closer to Snapchat, there would be a need for a built in "quality" threshold that only posts the content perceived as best into Steem, to prevent spamming.
Perhaps this service would be better suited if it were more of a livestream like Periscope? Maybe a YouTube competitor that simply handles video storage and links the content into steem, in a more seamless manner?
For the current Steemit users, nobody seems to be having issues with cross-posting from YouTube, so that's probably not the market here. I guess what I'm really wondering is, do any of you Steemians perceive value from the implementation of a livestreaming (livesteeming?) app to serve the masses?
What problems or caveats might there be to such a service? Please respond with your thoughts and ideas.
Unfortunately there seems to be little interest in livestreams here. I have created a few posts with multiple livestream feeds, like for the riots, the fbi director interrogation, and even the protests last night. Not too many people checked it out.
I do like the idea though. If you could embed periscopes,, instagram, and snapchat too, this place could be livestream central.
Thanks for your input on livestreaming. I'll admit that I'm not very interested in livestreaming my self, but I do recognize the popularity of that format on other platforms.
Do you still believe in this idea? I believe in you. I am a developer myself and can help you.
I would love a steem snapchat clone @xeroc is very smart I hope I can talk to him one day about this, I am making a post about my lust for a STEEM clone of Snapchat right now
we have steepshot that clones instagram but it needs filters videos Dms etc and I have plans for it all, we can have DMS as coments and make emprivate using memo keys or just have em alloff chaina nd auto self destructing like snapchat is anyway!
Problem of hosting videos is not bad since it is self destrictbg self deleting videos :D
we may have a chance of having snapchat for stee! It woul dbe a KILLER app snapchat is SO fun!