This fun game for the weekend, carefully crafted after the original Street Fighter series, compares two players' steem powers and settles the score in a fighting scene from the famous arcade game from the 90's.
- Doge coin dog
- Make up man
- Sounds
How it works
Just go to and fill in two Steemit usernames and hit 'Fight!'. Here is a prefilled url: with
- by @xeroc for gathering the SP data
- Jquery for some on page displaying
- Various assets from around the web
- Ps did you find the easter egg?
xpost: #game #steemitgame #steemit #streetfighter #8bit #steemtools #steemapps #steempower
Next we need Steems of Rage so that we can all mob against @dan and @ned!
Spoken like a true child of the 90s !!!
Very nice Vlad
Nice! I Upvoted it! This Street Fighter Prank is Funny :)
i hope something,,,,xixixi
Finally, the football wins and Spain wins.
Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.
Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !
PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)
such street many fight much haduken
He is actually at the butcher ... :)
very sausages much delicious
Good to know roelandp 🙂👍👍👍👍
Steemdouken !
what a brilliant, fun, idea!
so simple and silly. yet, cracks the mind open to new horizons of what different ways the platform can actually be used...
This is fun!

Made a post here: so that we could spread the game around and get some other users to share the love (and upvotes with @roelandp)
Great stuff Roelandp :D Upvoted, Had fun with this :D
I heard that the image is not working above, because the gif is 40MB
Here is a smaller gif:
thx! I can't update the original post anymore...
Note that you can check your score against mine via
Omg, Grasshopper with Kungfu - I wonder if ever Shaolin ever get involve I this????
Can't wait until GAME ON YOU ARE OUT K.O
I was almost kicking you in a ko Roelandp! You had a very lucky shot at the end, and you even bypassed one hadouken of mine lol.
hehehehe :)
Update 1
Guys I just put the 'Upvote Hadouken' inside so you now actually shoot 'Upvotes'... :)
hard refresh if you already played the game before as the images are cached
Looks sweet @roelandp. Found a bug! Usernames with a hyphen in them are stripped of the hyphen and then the account can't be found.
thx dude now updating!
Same for users with a period. I was figured I put my name in vs yours and had the same problem. Looks like your latest fix fixed that too.
yes i wasn't aware that there are - . usernames... must have been sleeping all the time.. But yeah it's less strict now!
sometimes you just can't lose
I really have not played this game for a long time, will try :)
Too classic! Incredible... Thanks for sharing this with us and informing us about it too! Namaste :)
Played your game, didn't work out too great. This is bullshit.
everyone vs @dan
Hi @roelandp I challenge you to #heartgoodnesschallenge. Details you can find here:
Well... That turned out bout like I expected.
@jupiter00000 vs. @xeroc
@jupiter00000 vs. @dantheman
Can you also Earn Steem with it it? it would be a great feature!
I literally just bought this game for SNES!!!
Did like the animals
Licking Ass 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊
Back in 1991 i was unbeatable at this game lol, I'm Not even joking... No one could ever beat me! :-) Hahaha
Retro and cutting edge blockchain technology mixed together, beautiful

Big whale, click on my button! =)
I have a few questions for you . We can chat on facebook? , @roelandp
On the basis of steemit will still very much all ! , @roelandp
I will try it out
Awesome! I noticed the doge!
Fuuny, thanks for share
I used to compete in this game. Love it.
lol its a really famous game back in the day
That's some badass work, man!
Indeed donkeypong
I remember you
Just stopped here to say that this is insanely cool. I second the Steems of Rage suggestion as well.
Love StreetFighter and Steemit , Best way to Show off Steemit to new Users
this brings back memories street fighter
I tried playing vs dan and guess what.
I lost.
my arcade days :')
Blast from the past, awesome!
Nice! I spent way too much time playing that on lunch breaks when I was a teenager.
In fact, one day I (a 17 year old male at the time, living in a small hick town) I spent my lunch break playing it in a black mini skirt, high heels, and a pink belly shirt. (I was protesting the dress code at Barnes and Nobles...and my boss at the time actually decided she would rather I wear jeans than a mini skirt and belly shirt) And, of course, I played my whole lunch break on a quarter that day against challenger after challenger. Go chun li!
Btw, it appears that you didn't fare so well against ned ;)
You da man! F@#king great! Took me back in time!
Please insert your coin!
Yihaaa winner win steem power would be great :p that can attract more player .
OMG. That is my childhood.
Street Fighter is a classic and took all my quarters.
I was able to click the up vote button at the end of the game to be brought directly here. Nice.
clasicc arcade game... also remember final fight ?
This is SO Epic. I'm looking forward to seeing much more programming like this being done with Steem! Very nicely done- I hope this gets the attention it deserves.
Glad I am not into games 😜 Otherwise I would never get off That computer beast! Great work !