
Fascinating topic. It seems like for future new content the blockchain is such an obvious way to prove ow worship it has to happen. The interesting question is what if you change it a little. I think this vid angel is fighting an interesting legal a battle along these lines. They say if you change the movie in their case you can stream it.

As an author, it's be nice if you could flag every image/post to indicate whether you allow sharing. And if steem it automatically created a link between the two posts.... That would be cool

great suggestion.

also reminds me of something for - to not list on the public gallery. currently, photos can go in categories or uncategorized - accessible for all. I'd prefer most of my photos to NOT be listed in any public gallery, simply hosted on the blockchain.

That would be awesome if it could be set in stone that it is your material first uploaded to the blockchain. Then a way to warn users if they use the same image through the editor somehow. Yeah sounds a bit far fetched but it would be a huge step in minimizing content theft if it could be achieved.

If we were to do so, and then post the same stuff on Facebook - would we still be effectively signing over rights to the Zuckerberg mafia

Yes. If you own the copyright, then you post on FB, you're effectively signing the copyright over to facebook.

Personally, i think that this FB copyright thing is eventually going to wind up in front of the supreme court.

Thanks for your input. I was hoping you'd show up and contribute, given your legal background.

Do you mean you foresee Facebook being taken to court as the defendant, their terms challenges as a violation of copyright law?

Yeah, the only way this gets to court is with facebook as defendant. They're never actually going to go to court to try to assert these copyright claims. Its too risky for them. Because if they lose, they open themselves up to like a jillion lawsuits.

Either there could be a lot of complaints, and some government agency like the FTC could step in.

Or some activist lawyer or group of lawyers could try to start a class action based on the idea that the contract is unenforcable. To be enforcable a contract needs to have:

  1. mutual consideration -- if we have a contract that says "rok gives sigmajin everything he owns." and nothing else, thats not enforcable. In a contract, both sides must derive a benefit.

  2. Part of consideration is conscionability -- a one sided contract like "rok gives sigma his house and gets this takeout menu in return" isnt enforcable either.

I would start out by saying there is no mutual consideration. Facebook is taking ownership, then storing media that it now owns. Thats like me saying "if you give me the title to your car, ill keep it in my garage"

they would try to refute by saying that just storing the photos etc that have personal meaning to me and giving me access is consideration. A good lawyer would argue back that there are many services that provide this for free. That is to say that the service theyre providing is like my takeout menu.

there is also another requirement called "proffer and acceptance". FOr a contract to be enforceable, both parties have to be aware that they're entering into it. You could make the argument that 5 lines or whatever in their 40 page TOS isnt proffer and acceptance.

That is really interesting and could be very beneficial for Steem.

I'm not sure if this relevant of not, but I back up a lot of my photos to Flickr. With that service, owned by Yahoo, you can choose the type of copyright license on your pictures. 99% of my photos are private and have an "all rights reserved" copyright. However, for a few photos, I have granted a creative commons license, allowing people to use the images how they like at no charge. Is there a way to do this on Steemit?

yes, just state it below the picture
copyright 2016 raging liberty's real name
all rights reserved (or creative commons licene granted)

Here's to hoping that I can produce some content worth stealing!

Thank you for sharing! :)@rok-sivante Very interesting!

Cool but not sure how u collect roylaties from this proposed plan... You would need almost a BMI or ASCAP of steemit to host all the content

I think that'd be either a separate, integratable app - or another layer/component/dimension of it...

I was simply referring to the first layer of copyright proof.

The royalties piece - whether part of the same app or different ones, interacting with with via APIS - would be developed with the writing & execution of smart contracts.

Great input - helping to expand the vision for such applications... :-)

Oh, wow. GREAT question indeeed. I think it deserves a resounding YES!