I must attest, having built a strong digitally-based friendship with Jayson over the last 6+ years, that he is one bad-ass, cool, crazy, sexy mothafucka!
Dude is an under-the-radar superstar. Watch out for this cat, kids.
He also introduced me to some fucking mind-blowing energy tech that COMPLETELY transformed my life. It didn't register when he first told me to spend $5000 on some books to put under my bed and get into this weird site called "Love Innersity" - and it took me a couple years to follow his advice. But HOLY FUCK, when I did... 😳🚀🌔
So if this dude says to pay attention to something... Probably wise to do it.
HUGE smile came across my face logging onto Steemit and seeing his face on the first page. The community is blessed to have him here. 😊🙏