I'd been doing intermittent fasting for more than 2 years.
I didn't do it right away actually.
It started when I tried knowing about health in general.
I read a lot and start thinking of applying what I read, no medical consultation or any health coach aids.
Yeah fasting really helps our body in a healthy way.
I guess we don't only stop or rest in eating but also in working and thinking as well.
For me 9-5 job is not ideal. I hope this will change.
Marshall Sahlins, author of Stone Age Economics, discovered that before Western influence changed daily life, Kung men, who live in the Kalahari, hunted from two to two and a half days a week, with an average workweek of fifteen hours. Women gathered for about the same period of time each week. In fact, one day’s work supplied a woman’s family with vegetables for the next three days. Throughout the year both men and women worked for a couple of days, then took a couple off to rest and play games, gossip, plan rituals, and visit. . . . It would appear that the workweek in the old days beats today’s banker’s hours by quite a bit.
This suggests that three hours a day is all that we must spend working for survival. One can imagine that in preindustrial times this pattern would make sense. Life was more whole back then, when “work” blended into family time, religious celebrations, and play. Then came the “labor-saving” Industrial Revolution and the compartmentalization of life into “work” and “nonwork”—with work taking an ever-bigger bite out of the average person’s day.