H m m m ...
personally, as a metafysicist living in the metaverse and mostly in seven places at once as Jane's Undergroundwaiting for it to rise. It needs entrepreneurs ... like your yabapmatt/aggroed - tandem for instance, im sure they don't work for free or for the benefit of the nation in the first place but there is incentive to have steem. Not by sheer speculation. The inflation however ... derived from the core rules of the metaverse it's safe to say you can not have unlimited expansion within limited space (and time) - and steem certainly doesn't haveease , meaning DE-valuate the "world" currency, so in essence non-stop inflation (i might miss a few words as im not a pro) is constant easing ... but you got here your system where people "get rewarded for good content" (a concept i find highly debatable as in my experience over 2 years i find people being rewarded for selling dopamin (aka hot air in the form of promise) or pseudo-aggressive networking, the real talent is left begging for cookies barring the happy few who got AND talent AND came into into it with money ... is tugging from all side as they all want some attention i believe the cosmic inflation is the biggest problem in the long run , and as @socky also said here (and has been saying nearly daily campaigning since the dawn of time) - the lack of initiative by self-proclaimed "investors" sitting around and expansion to keep up with it (althoug someone here seems to have enough money to keep the sbd pegged, i remember that thing being like $2.5 or something at some time ..., but steem was around $7 or $10 too, hence the original @goldmanmorgan experiment ... which hasnt turned sour as the playcoin is just playcoin now - if steem goes down by 10x i add another level between silver and 10 and i have 10x playcoins for my game ...) nothing of that. But the inflation IS. At world level finance , if the fed prints a wad of dollar on top , it's to
that's my opinion ofcourse ..
despite that ...
... i could reference blizzard also because they uffed-up WoW by caving in to whiners ... (i dont do goodspeak very well, but im trying)
Despite that ...

AlleyCats and Tunnelrats care not for names or titles, and the teknomage is fascinated by complex streamlined intricacy. I havent found anything SO kühl as the steemchain since probably satoshi invented running water (i was burned by mtGox , i should have bought the t-shirt) or maybe linux itself (although thats probably blasphemy, NOTHING beats linux in terms of kühl...) and now they throw phaser 3 at my head and i think id like to start experimenting with babylonJS on alleycat for teh lulz so basically
We go ... the cat on the roof and the rats in the tunnels because dogs cant climb trees ... and need to listen to their masters ... where we want ... (sadly in real life that costs money, which is HARD TO GET HERE) and personally, even if the price goes down to one dollarcent i think i'll still be sticking around here, just because drooling over condenser gives me a ** * ***** ....
(yea, flag by me ... first attempt at forcefields in blender)
the money, man, the money ... us cats and rats got all that talent ... a little money goes a waaaay longer way here to express oneself ... if you are people with money, TRY DOING SOMETHING instead of buying and waiting
please ...
this comment deserves some sort of reward