As you know I've been a bit tuned out to crypto markets but lately have been taking a peak every now and again and it keeps getting worse. I noticed the value of my Steemit account has fallen pretty substantially and I recall some Steemians buying in the high 80 cent range maybe 88 or so and thinking they got a deal and things have continued to slide. ethereum is pretty depressing as is litecoin.
Part of me thinks next time we get a little bounce sell a little something and maybe buy back in on the fall but the way crypto tends to lure you in or at least me is everytime it catches that dead cat bounce I start to think this could be the start of the real runup and I dont wanna miss out.
It is hard to know what to do and what the timing will look like for sure. I realized awhile back that the death spiral was confirmed on some of these coins and reluctantly got out. Not it is a matter of me being able to buy back in at the right time. Some coins I had to ride all the way to hell. Some I'm not sure if they will come back to my cost basis or not and then it becomes a question of whether it is worth me trying to average down on them.