People are advertising it as facebook with money? And chain letters cursing you with 7 years of bad sex? I am pretty good at hiding under rocks! XD
The challenge posts were originally started to encourage people to get into the habit of posting every day when they felt they had nothing to write about, and when you used the tags also helped get new friends/followers if you happen to be in similar kind of subject areas. Saturation and being here for any length of time probably makes it more annoying than anything else now though.
Someone could probably make an interface like Facebook where people could post stupid status updates (unless Zappl is already providing that?) that would do all right. And then we really, really just need some interface somewhere to provide some awesome filters XD
That's exactly what I think will happen. A filter layer. You'll have blogit, musicIt and
Lol catvideosit 🤣 it's been happening already with all the front ends that exist now, I'm just waiting on something kinda GPlusish (because I love the circles filters)
Exactly! It's funny I just blogged about this!
As I 'edited' the challenge posts are actually a current good way to get some traction but, that'll change in time. The filters are coming.