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RE: Justin Sun Conversation with Witnesses Is Online. @Ned Sold Out The Community - Failed to Disclose.

in #steem5 years ago

Appreciate the summary brother.

Why am I not surprised this is down to Ned.

This place isn't much good if he who has the most (access to) STEEM has the most power to do whatever they want. Not much different to Facebook really. Even if he returns things to normal, now we know what he can do, any time he likes. Which doesn't seem to bode well for the future.


Negotiations are still set to take place in a few days and there are ways that this can be resolved in a win-win for all. That said, it has always been true that STEEM can be taken over in such a way.

See my post and "Postscript" comment in this thread of how a win-win can be created.

Not if the 3 months power down remain were they are... This is crucial in order to avoid that shit...

I was referring to being taken over by someone simply owning more stake than everyone else - as opposed to exchange collusion.

I never trusted Ned based on his facial expressions.

Body language is telling, yes.