
Starbucks has started accepting Bitcoin's ... pretty soon mcd's KFC n malls n travel ... and CMC is introducing bitshares now in commodity trading ... pretty big things are going to happen from next weak and the coming years ...

Everyone who is serious, visionary and needs the highest security and less transaction fee, without control will go for cryptos ...

I just got a Shift card which makes payments from an on the fly BTC to dollar conversion. But I don't think I'll use it much, if I want dollars, I'd probably just convert and send it back to my bank account. But it does save a step I suppose. So it was $9.99 for the card to set up. Besides that the only other BTC payment I have made was for about $22 at an online drugstore. Keeping track of the capital gains will limit my use of BTC payments also. I hate doing my taxes.

I feel if I spend 5 steems today to buy an hamburger in one year I could buy the store! Lol
