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RE: A post on possible solution to the plagiarism problems.

in #steem8 years ago

no problem -- Recommend to look to copyright law generally with regards to the internet -- reason being everything posted anywhere, steemit, youtube, facebook, twitter, its a publication -- so copyright law while not directly the same is going to be very relevant in resolving this issue.

For example i just posted a photograph of the moon -- if someone now were to take it and post it on steemit with no credit, or anywhere else on the web, it would be considered copyright infringement if i could prove i was the author.


Yes and how you would do that is by claiming the photo in the credit source spot on the post. Yeah copyright law is important. Such learning can be used to help educate people, which is more needful than just learning copyright law. The evidence, logic, reason = conclusion is a part of the necessary skills needed to find, inform, and or if necessary kick out plagiarist.

From my perspective it is a win win for everyone! Which is the point of Steemit. lol

for the posters own protection it is important to learn -- and in a system of progressive actions by steemit -- those who unwittingly infringed will learn the first time. Its a tough nut to crack but thats why google and youtube may be a good place to look.

It is true that most people who are honest would learn the first time out of embarrassment if nothing else. However a lot of people were merely indoctrinated and not educated. Many having never even gotten a whiff of what education is let alone enough to know for themselves if they like it or not. Such people would most likely make more mistakes, but will with gentle reminders learn in the end.

"for the posters own protection it is important to learn"

This comment is painfully true and even more so for steemit as a whole. I think however that the main solution is education which is its own carrot.

simply claiming copyright would not prevent someone intent on stealing my work in case of the moon photo -- id have to go after them etc -- its why photographers watermark everything.

I know it doesn't prevent people from stealing your work, but you must claim it in the post in order to be able to prove it is yours in the first place. Claim it is yours is part and parcel of crediting your post anyways.

Yes and no -- where is the original - lol it would suppose i never clear the card it was shot on, that the meta data date and time stamp is correct, and never delete the harddrive its stored on before it was posted here HAHAHA!