
Fair use is not plagiarism.

I am aware of this, just felt relevant to share -- this is where community monitoring for plagarism is not the best idea - i personally think it should be up to steemit entirely.

...maybe again -- Steemit should define the above in the T&C
Fair use vs plagarism vs copyright.

Another option is a tutotorial, force immediate completion of profile that leads to first post, about me -- here is an excellent point of process to instill steemit value and community values.

It is up to steemit, but apparently we steemians are steemit. Instead of waiting for some central authority to come save us, we can save the day ourselves and in the process educate ourselves not just about copyright law or things, but on what is most important. That is that we are the future and the solutions and the power and do not need to be saved. lol

Its a platform issue tho, indoctrination is best started immediatley lololol -- the way users are signed up -- should forward thread/tag steemit devs.

lololol you will hurt my spleen if you keep that up. I am not a computer literate person like you are. I am an Idea guy. My execution is not so good, so I always have to find people who are really better and help them realize it. lol

ya i was trying to put that without making it sound cult like -- but it has to be first process, tutorial that is educational. Good chat!

It's a funny one this, in Australia we have no protection for fair use or satire. Wikipedia recently ran a campaign to try and get the laws changed, pointing out that if Wikipedia was based in Australia it would be breaking the law.

You mean that Wikipedia would be breaking roman statute and municipal code. There is only one law. Harm no one.
In the western world it is funny that we have no real protection from people wearing funny costumes who are really just making us pay them. Some day people will wake up to the fiction that is mind control or Government. lol