@blakemiles84 I did ask that question... The little time I've been on this platform i've tried to contribute quality content. Go look at all my blog posts! Were the downvotes because of my post of a Steem Copy Cat ? https://steemit.com/steem/@satoshifpv/steemit-copy-cat-looks-like-steem-has-some-competition
I found that article interesting and thought it was good information. I don't see how one post can affect another one.
I was just trying to post quality content in a timely manner to inform the community. I guess it's clear they do not value my participation in this community. :-(
Well, I would argue they do. I do. Interesting dynamic to see play out.
Only advice I can offer is to keep driving on if you enjoy it.
The community support has pleasantly surprised me :-) I am working on some good content that should add some value and interest to the Steemit platform. Thanks for your help and advice.