
try leaving a space between the lines please (enter)

  1. First list item

  2. Another item

  3. One more

Markdown code dictates there should be no extra line break. Its not a bug.

As spaced said - This is not a bug, its part of the Markdown spec.
If you have to leave a line like so.
1. Item one

2. Item two

3. Item three

Just put a backslash \ before the fullstop like this 1\. Item one

it seems to be working for me?
Im using this guide for markdown

  1. First ordered list item
  2. Another item

In the below example i used ALL 1. for the numbers. It corrected to the right count

  1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
    1. Ordered sub-list
    2. Ordered sub-list
    3. Ordered sub-list
  1. And another item.
    • Sub item
    • Sub item

Then the markdown code is somehow wrong because when I try to write something like "18 awesome camping gear ideas" i really need a line break between the ideas.

It's working with a backslash, thanks a lot!

No problem. Please do checkout some markdown guides. They are well worth your time if you are regularly posting.