Thanks for the credit in the previous article! This article is already in English and with that being said, what is the purpose to translate it back to English?
Thanks for the credit in the previous article! This article is already in English and with that being said, what is the purpose to translate it back to English?
I added few things from myself to the topic, I have replies from my polish colleagues, they also make some suggestions.
I was thinking about putting completely new article in English, if I just could use the reputation scores from your table - that would be lovely.
Another thing is, that people see the article in new feed, it may get to more new people, who might not know how to look for an interesting subject, and may not find your original article.
Basically I might with your permission use the table data, or if you don't want to have competition in form of new article on similar topic - that is fine and I understand it :)
As long as you are adding new content to it I am totally good with it!!!
Thank you. I am glad, that you see it that way.
All the best to you :)