Steem Followers Update - See who follows you, now with more info!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Latest news on the Steem Followers project I have going, visit it at

Today I got my little component working properly to fetch profile data from Steemd, so that I could show it on the page. I think this adds a quite a bit, as the page previously was missing a bit of information on which account you were viewing.

I also show more data for all of the followers listed, for now it's just the date that user signed up, their location and the number of posts they have, but I do have plans to show profile pictures, reputation and possibly their Steem Power too.

For those of you who may be interested in the tech behind it, there is a mash up of MSSQL, MySQL, PHP and Go, making use of the public Steemd service, on the full node run by @gtg (thank you kindly)

I will be doing a post on how it all fits together / sharing some code, so you can hit the ground running if you want to attempt something similar!

Look out for my next post, but before you go, help me out with some feedback?

What info would you want to see on the page?
Are profile pictures important to you?
Would you like to suggest a design idea? (I really am terrible at that, so would appreciate any help)

Follow me!

This would have been much harder to do if not for the services provided by @arcange (STEEMSQL) and @gtg (the full node I am using).
Please consider voting for them as witnesses!


Yet another great contribution from @gtg and @arcange I have been voting for gtg as witness since the beginning!
I will check this out! Thanks for sharing.

Hi @shaunmza, I've noticed the data isn't updating for several days -- the most recent I see is from July 30th. Thanks for this great tool!

Looks like at some point it had 2 processes running, which duplicated some accounts. This is a bit of a kerfuffle, but I can fix it.

Yours has already been fixed, manually, I will do the rest a bit later when I have time and can make sure I don't turf data!

Thanks agin for letting me know!

Cool, glad to be of service!

Oh, there was a user who I had followed, who later I made a comment to, and she then asked me to follow her. I knew I already was, but even so checked the site and saw she had unfollowed me, and made a comment with "weird" back to her pointing out what I had seen.

@kassie-vegas if memory serves. Might hers have been another account which had an issue? (Or am I just matching errant patterns? :) )

kassie-vegas started following you on 2017-06-28 and stopped following you on 2017-07-31

Confirmed from another source.

Phew not a bug in my code 😅

Good to know! By the way, it seems stuck again -- oh, actually looks like it was fixed! It had been stuck on August 3rd for a while, but I just refreshed and now see yesterday.

Thanks again!

I fixed yours manually on Friday, then implemented a proper fix yesterday.

There should be a maximum delay of around 2 minutes between some action on the blockchain and it appearing on the site.

If you think the data is stale for more than that, and hour or more, please let me know!

Will do!

That is strange, for my username it has data for today and I have checked the importer. It is running.

Let me dig deeper...

You are right, oh dear.

It will take me a bit of time to debug and fix this. Thanks so much for letting me know!

Certainly! I really like the tool. I noticed it stop updating for a few days last week, but before I was sufficiently motivated to reach out to you, it started working again. This time I figured I'd ask.

So -- did you notice an outage last week? If not, there might be logs from then which could help you diagnose? Cheers!

Hi @shaunmza, I'm writing a post which mentions your site; I'm using it to help with metrics. I did a giveaway three days ago, and today noticed a dramatic uptick in followers that day. So I figured I'd write about it, which you can see here:

While writing it I had the thought that a "daily average" would be a useful metric to add to the site. Three, in fact: for follows, unfollows, and mutes.

Thanks again for making this!

Hello I noticed my username didn't have data for August - are you able to check if it can be fixed? Cheers

I got this fixed yesterday, please check now.

Thanks for reaching out. Please do let me know if you see any problems again!

Oh thanks so much - just checked and it worked :)

Great job!

Appreciate the comment, thank you 😁

Ha! Never hit submit on this comment, a blast from 3 months ago...

Haha!, Thanks!

I love this and yet it's rather depressing at my level lol.
I did see something very funny where someone 'ignored' me on a day when I had posted nothing - I'd had no interaction with this person, it was quite strange!

Yeah, I noticed that I had unfollowed my wife somehow!

I think it could always be someone clicking the button by mistake.

Just think, it can only get better! 😉

I probably made him eat salad that day! 😁

Or something worse...

No, wait, nothing worse than eating salad!

Sure, a 'mistake,' we believe you... :-)

This is so very useful! Thanks shaunmza. Do you have plans to develop other services as well?


I am playing with something else right now, but not really Steem related, once thats done, I want to come back to this and make a few improvements.

Is there something that you think is needed?

There is a few I think would be useful.
Newest users.
Active now.
Time of day stats.

Great post! that was very useful, thanks!

Thank you for the great job of providing info on the user with the most followers and the user who follows the most number of users.

Here is another couple of suggestions:

An absolute pleasure! Going to read that post as soon as I can.

Can one get info on the user with the most followers and the user who follows the most number of users?

Almost forgot about this!

Most followers, top 5 people

UsernameFollower count

This is a rough guide, as I just took the follows - unfollows - mutes, but I think it is close enough.

In the future I am going to summarise the data by date, so that I can have a another graph plotting the growth in followers, then I could get more accurate data.

Who follows the most people, top 5;

UsernameFollowing Count

Numbers look high, again, not 100%, but actually close!

Hope this helps.

Sure can!

I can run a query for that and drop it here in a comment, will have to be tomorrow though as I am almost done for today.

Very useful but the number of posts isn't accurate, shows 0 for all users.

Shoot, will fix tomorrow.

Thanks for spotting that, was in a rush to get it out the door AND write a post about it!

Hi. Thank you so much for this "followers" page. How often should this page update?

The data from that page comes from an outside source. I do not know how often they update their data, but I fetch data from them every 10 minutes.

So short answer is that it could take up to 30 minutes after you got a new follower for it to update.

I am just finishing off another project, then I will be giving this some more attention again, so look out for an update!

Thank you so much for your reply.
Do you know how a user can see we a post has been resteemed and by who?

That is something I want to build in, BUT you can see it now over at steemdb

(To be exact it is not a witness node, it is fullnode aka full api node, which I'm providing as a witness)
I'm glad you find it useful.

Updated the post, thanks for letting me know.

Eventually the terminology will stick!

Very cool! Representing!


I have grand plans, going to chip away bit by bit.

today i've started to use this program and i find it very, very good! thank you @shaunmza! you program is super! :)

Darn. Link is not working right now. :(

there was a recent update where steemdb has been discontinued. This site was likely using steemdb, but the fix itself is simple.