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RE: 1 reason to change powerdown from 13 weeks to 1

in #steem6 years ago

Agreed 100%, although 1 or 2 days, would be even better, as the 13 weeks is the main reason I have never invested a large amount of money in here, it is simply not flexible enough when you play with outside markets & you want to take advantage of a peak or dip. Even a 24 hour period, would for me, be ideal.


Yeah, with some penalties in RC and VP in that case so it can't be "double spent" which is the reason to unelegation taking 5 days AFAIK.

Yes by all means penalties for spent or voted SP, that would be perfectly reasonable to those of us that want to invest, though still play the markets, I hope your message gets read by stinc, I know you are respected on this platform, so here is hoping. :-)