

Well, if it gets peoples attention, then great, but really, "nerds"!
Damn, I guess it depends on the time of day as to what we all register when we see some words!

Thanks for the laugh and for voting,


5269 Votes
Vote again in 23:56:19

We need to confirm .


Yep, one vote per day, to my understanding.

Although, imo it is more important that we spread the word out among all our friends on all social networks we are on.

This needs to be a full on campaign in which all us Steemians pitch in with what resources we have, even if that be for example fbook.

Networking at its best and the result shall be a BOOM for STEEM and all of us!

I most definitely will not be sleeping much tonight after the PYPT show on the Ramble in Discord. Need to contact those that I haven't yet gotten a hold of. We all want OUR STEEM to GO TO THE MOOOOON!

I shall write a post on it later, and vote again tomorrow then.