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RE: This biggest reason steem prices are falling: The Arbitrage Sabotage Steem-Dollar Teeter-Totter

in #steem9 years ago

@brendio I attract controversy here because i don't back down and i don't pander to whales. Mostly thats because a shithead. But its also because 2.i don't care about money (at least, not in the amounts that someone could make on this site) and not used to dealing with people who don't know im always right.

It can go both ways, but only when sbd and steem are simultaneously increasing in price (which was the case a month ago)... its basicaly the same as lifting a see saw up from both ends.

Your idea of arb (which is usually correct) is that a buy on the internal market and a sell on the external one would wipe each other out, and have 0 net effect on price. I can prove thats not true even without an arb.

I can prove this works by simply cycling a bunch of money through the internal and external market and using the mechanism discussed to crash the price of steem, which is precisely what i am going to do this weekend.. Since the transactions are so fast, i can most likely do so with 5 or 10K steem.