
Trying to send it now byt the Byteball blockchain is lagging again :(

K, I will wait. I couldn't even download the wallet yesterday. Too many accessing it at the same time, I think. Please let me know when, so I can continue!. Thrilled!:-)

Is it coming along?

Nope, getting error :/ it was working though, checking every few minutes :)

No luck yet, my friend?

Nope, but the devs are working on it :)

how about now?

Nope, error :(

Still error ;(

Finally it worked! Sent :)

My friend, I dunno why, but it is not there. Here is a new wallet address. I will wait.
Thank you very much!

Sent again :)

Thank you. Waiting for bot to say something (attestation)... seems like forever, LOL!