Vote for Steem on GoNetCoins, less than 24 hours left: Don't stop now!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

By now, if you haven't heard about this contest, you must be living under a rock!

Get over to Netcoins and vote for steem here:

Do it now, it's almost too late!

Don't let this go down like this:

Let me repeat:

Get over to Netcoins and vote for steem here:

Get over to Netcoins and vote for steem here:

Get over to Netcoins and vote for steem here:

Resteem this or post your own alert, we've got work to do today, people!

image.png-@SirCork Team @NobleWitness

There are 3 pages

Steemit is very good.

I read your comments page, and this is the only spam you make. No one's gonna follow a simple beggar, use the platform and do the work like the rest of us please, or don't bother to log in.

keep it up....@sircork

Hope steem...cross 12$ in December.

hahaha... SPAMMER!!!! LOL

sigh Pedantic children never learn how to not look stupid in public.Yeah @netuoso pinned it to the top to prove what a ridiculous tool he can be when he doesn't apply himself very hard at all. Which he doesn't. Which is why the platform totally ridicules him now.


It is possible to launch BTS activity?

Just voted

Hi @sircork, finally we won the contest, i did my part too making a post with steem-bounty set, so we shown we are strong community. Starting from @ned, many users made a post with this link and thanks to this we won, but one is my doubt, it was really necessary that a main coin like Steem need to make this contest? I think Steem is one of the main coin of coinmarketcap, even now is 41 position, but what for to risk to loose against Verge or other shitcoins was in this contest?

Not much risk in it really. This contest will get our coin made available over the counter in real stores, mostly in Canada but other places too, apparently. It's worth it.

rock the vote

we almost there, we need to hold steem on #1 place until the end to win this :) , by the way verge is less of 100 than steem , that's so close


Damn looks like im a little too late!

steem won.. congrats to the community of steem

I am almost 100% sure that the 1k Verge votes that came in are fake, and hopefully, they will get purged from the contest. But I also discovered some of our users promoting fake vote submissions in "how to" guide formats, without ever mentioning changing their IP-address or anything... So we will probably lose quite a few votes as well🤦‍

I hope we will win at the end of the day, it is really very sad when it comes to the greater interest of the community we have only 10000 people to vote, when it comes to spamming we have lakhs of people. How sad it is. I am praying for steem to win this contest, when i see the genuine effort of oracle-d, i really get emotional. How much effort and hardwork they have put over last 5 days is really commendable.

Either we have only ghost accounts here in steemit and to be honest it is clear testimony that we are hardly 10000 active steemians.

But one thing I am happy about is that, if the number of honest votes any community has got then it is steem only.

Lets hope for the best.

Thank you and Have a great day.

I am actually a bit surprised to see how few active Steemians there are out there at the moment, I feel this contest has really highlighted that aspect for me.

When most people dedicated to the contest has 4 or 5 votes over the course of the week, it means there are only around 2-3000 people really participating! 😦

I hope we win and I have a feeling that we will; but for me, this entire contest has been a bittersweet kick in the face in regards to the size of our active community...

You are absolutely right. This contest in Netcoins is a testimony that we are not a strong community in terms of size, when all the frontrunner and leading whales including Ned and blocktrades make a call and even offer good upvote size to the people, voting should have had like 30k+ at least. But we have only 11k so far. I wish we win at the end after scrutiny by Netcoins. Vergcoin voting are fake as far as today's votes are concerned.

In terms of community power, we have a long way to go and I think we have to rethink about it once again where do we stand.

I completely agreed. I am not sure if this is telling us what the real elephant in the room is - perhaps, steemit is not as active as a community as I would thought it to be. The numbers don’t make sense. I hope the fundamentals are still there.

I agree with this.

We have another vote buying farm in compete with us- INS currency based on Moscow, Russia. VERGE is in number three position. They probably bought 5000 votes in last 3 hours. For crypto-god's shake, somebody report them too.

UPDATE: 2hrs left, INS close the gap within 400 votes. We can't fight a bot farm.

I hope our users played it straight. Time will tell, It's sooo close...

A lot of dodgy stuff is going on with this contest. I expect the final vote tally to be very different than it stands now.

And it was :)

oh sorry

No surprise that some votes are faked. Maybe surprising that a @noblewitness is advising users to break the rules by using "every email address you've got"

This post has been noticed and linked to NetCoins. If STEEM loses despite it having been organically #1 the entire time, I would take a hard look at your witness vote for @noblewitness if you do vote for them.

This is stupid, deceptive, against the rules, and a major waste of time for anyone that listened to his directions.

Right! I now understand that your swipe at mehave a history! I acknowledged my hypocrisy, would you acknowledge yours? was less about morality and more about having a go at @sircork. I see you two

He never will, that's why he takes swipes at users with integrity. The word baffles him.


A just in case tip for folk with multiple emails who may be stuck because it doesn't look as if you can vote again:

Delete the Cookies and you'll be able to restart the process.

FYI if you did that, you clearly cannot read the rules for the contest and your votes will be invalidated. So you wasted your time and advised others to do the same.

Yes! Hand up, agreed, I got carried away and bypassed the 'rules' LOL (and I'll bypass your dig). Wiser and more principled next time :D.

Have my last note in about two hours. I suspect the sudden spike in verge votes

Support!!! Let's Go Steem!


why, if this is so important for Steem, was there no info banner placed at the top of the steemit site, like when there were problems during the last HF?

Very good question, though I suppose they could have argued that was sketchy around the vote gathering rules, I dunno. I am not a gaming / sweekstakes/ contest lawyer :)

My 5th vote for steem

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @sircork I'm a bot, and wanted you to know that I've upvoted and re-steemed your post to help you with your promotion efforts! -exp

Tomorrow can vote Mr @sircork? Are you sure?

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't know when your "tomorrow" is, based on world times, but there is a count down clock on the linked page above, near the middle, above the voting section, on the right side of the page. I believe there is about 15 hours -or less- left for you to vote.

Time differance?
I am check Netcoins.
Thank youuuuuu....

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for jumping on it and the very loud rallying call - that's brilliant and it has helped us take the lead.

this is my 2nd vote !
vote 2.jpg
and here is my 3rd one !

and going to vote my 4th one soon.

I love steem so much and I can do anything for its success!
Steem to moon!@sircork sir, here is my fist vote

Posted using Partiko Android

It seems verge is doing some shady fake ass shit right now with the votes lol

Maybe so, it's hard to say, C...

♥ Go! Steem! Go! ♥


Posted using Partiko Android

We are kicking ass! I have been voting everyday, and made my wife do it to. Fingers crossed!

it is big opportunity of all steemit user.
if they are vote steem.steem strongly work online of every worker.
personaly i vote this service.
so, finaly i request it all seteem user vote steem.
link post include see it now and go ahead steem and steem all users.

Yes, what he said, people ^

dayum you botted this like a mofo bahhahahaha

Hello @sircork . Lucky 1000th upvote is my!

Pretty cool, thanks!

You've made the Steemit Minute for today! Congrats!

Check out the Video Here:

Latest my chain vote, please make Steem to the Top


we follow support STEEM!

Let's support to STEEM, this is my vote # 3

We will lose :( I am very sad there is million user in steemit and see the vote. WTF

It is not over until its over. We will keep fighting

We will still win. They remove votes from people that cheat. I think the Steemit community is more honest than the verge one. There's still time as well, we overtook Verge yesterday, we can do it again.

Even the word Impossible, says "I'm possible!" :)

Teem work makes the steem dreem work! - sircork

And there's a possibility of some of Verge's votes being removed if suspicions of fraud are confirmed. Frankly though, having used half a doz diff a/cs to vote, I feel a bit like a farmer myself lol!

We're on the verge.......

Come on everyone be active today and promote it every where i did promotion on fb and even to some of my friends keep going.

Posted using Partiko Android

Did everyone just suddenly forget about Coinbase? They are thinking about listing Steem too, and need your vote. Last time I checked Coinbase is by far a bigger player than Netcoin. Vote for both!

Here is my last vote;


And Here is my contest post (own language);

I'll have to get to my computer. I can't bring it up on the phone

voted, we have about 1k votes lead

Done for my last time!

let's go Moon ! :)

Done. Hope we win. It is too close. Resteemed.

There are 3 pages