Could the Steem price go to US $1,000 (in today's purchasing power) within the next 15 years?
This Knight believes so!
And this Knight would never lay such a claim without backing it up with a vision of our future.
Following are this Knight's reasons for why STEEM is going to $1,000 over the next 15 years. But first some perspective.
The approximate STEEM supply is 300,000,000 meaning...
- At $1 STEEM the value of our ecosystem is $300,000,000 (micro-cap)
- At $10 STEEM the value of our ecosystem is $3 billion (small-mid cap)
- At $100 STEEM the value of our ecosystem is $30 billion (the size of a small bank)
- At $1,000 STEEM the value of our ecosystem is $300 billion - the size of Facebook, JP Morgan Chase or Johnson & Johnson.
There is of course STEEM inflation and then there is real world inflation - so for argument sake let's simply assume Steem units and purchasing power as at today.
The case for $1,000 STEEM within 15 years.
(Counting down)
At our core we are a social media platform, though in time it will be much more. In the meantime our main rival Facebook, is dying. They have betrayed their clients and their community. They have failed them with respect to privacy, freedom of speech and commercial advertising sensibilities. Facebook usership is in decline and Steem will be a major winner in this exodus.
If you have not used the Partiko mobile app yet it is a must try. The fastest and most beautiful Steem interface at this time - with super quick feeds and notifications; and, user-friendly commenting, posting, voting displays and features. Built into the app is a loyalty reward system, with the Partiko loyalty points readily exchangeable for Steem Reward Upvotes. Partiko now puts the Steem user experience on par with Twitter and Facebook - and we were already well beyond the likes of Medium and Reddit.
Live the future of Steem interaction - @partiko
We all know that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are censoring conservative voices so I won't go into too much detail here - except to say that DTube and Steem generally is far more welcoming of such voices. Demand for this service offering will continue to rise in time.
Now we get serious about price growth as we gaze into the future.
Are your personal messages anybody else's business?
The demand for communication privacy is growing rapidly. A central player in secure messaging is Telegram, however its centralization will no doubt lead to it eventually being compromised by regulators. Decentralised communication encryption is the only solution. Memo encryption is already a function of the Steem blockchain. In time app developers will begin to utilize these features and open up our blockchain to a whole new personal messaging market.
We are living in the age of 'false witness', where a man is guilty until proven innocent. As demonstrated in recent weeks by US Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh - the best defense against false witness is by maintaining a diary.
It is difficult and costly to maintain and store paper diaries. Cloud based diaries rely on a third parties, so too do Google and MS based diaries.
The future industry will be the decentralised blockchain based diary / planner - either in an open format for all to see, or encrypted for personal use only
The use of an personal diary will be an everyday necessity for all business people, politicians, entrepreneurs and everyone else looking to protect themselves against false allegation.
STEEM will be a market leader in this space.
Over the next couple of years this Knight expects to see education providers to turn to blockchain for cheap, reliable, and secure data storage. In the case of a University, a reasonable investment in Steem now say $1,000,000-$2,000,000, would provide them with the 'Resources Credits' needed to use STEEM as an entire Academic Management System - including delegation of Resource Credits to enrolled students.
The curriculum could be published on the blockchain, released at regular intervals. Decryption may be necessary to access course notes and literature. Student responses would be captured on the blockchain to demonstrate learning and participation. Assignments and examinations can be issued on the block-chain with individual submissions being timestamped, easily tested for plagiarism, with student submissions and results easily auditable.
Questions are arising as to the transparency and biases within education service providers. By moving to the blockchain these service providers would be ensuring the integrity of their courses and systems, for the benefit of both the Institution and the students.
Drawing upon the work of @taskmaster4450
STEEM is a unique ecosystem in that competing interests on the blockchain, actually increase the overall value of the blockchain.
Taskmaster4450 stated:
'Here is the reality: Does Steemit have "competition? Yes, it is called and @steempeak. Both are "competition" in the traditional sense. In fact, @ned stated that he is planning on creating another interface that will also "compete" with Steemit. One does not need to even look outside the blockchain to find "competition".
The way this Knight thinks of this is like a shopping centre / plaza.
Within the plaza there are stores with competing interests. But the more competition there is - the more shoppers that are attracted to the plaza - and the more successful all the stores will be.
STEEM is the shopping centre!
We make it possible for the many, many entrepreneurs with competing interests to establish themselves on our blockchain. But to do so, they must purchase Resource Credits and lock them up, allowing them to interact with their customers.
Remember - STEEM is realestate - and realestate is valuable.
Now that you understand that STEEM is realestate, understand that the next step is to turn that vacant realestate into shops, factories, churches, banks, studios, leisure centres, gaming clubs, sports grounds, schools, universities, medical centres.
'STEEM Communities / Hivemind' will enable any Steemian to build his / her own virtual premises for business, pleasure, charity, fun, worship, education and have direct ownership and autonomy over their establishment. The only limitations - ones available 'Resources Credits' and ones own imagination.
Are you now seeing how the need for Resource Credits will drive up the value of the Steem Token over the years to come.
STEEM is the realestate. Communities are the buildings. SMTs are the electricity, gas and water which powers the establishment. Let's call it an energy.
No longer will a minnow or plankton concern themselves with not earning excessive levels of STEEM realestate for posts on the ecosystem - this aspiring Steemian, will seek out energy. Labour in - energy out. Participation in the communities will both produce and harness the energy of communities, in a manner that is proportional to their contribution.
They will trade this energy with other Steemians and other communities and perhaps in time this Steemian may decide to exchnage the energy for STEEM realestate and build their own establishment.
However, we should give 'MEDIA' a special mention. Media agencies are simply struggling to engage with their audiences. Could the reason be that engagement with an online news agency is low energy? Little to invest. Little return from investment.
Imagine reading the news at the Daily Telegraph Steem Community. Daily Telegraph tokens for good comments. Tokens for feedback. This interaction is now 'HIGH ENERGY'. And this energy is valuable. And this energy will pay for real things. Like your subscription - and like the products of the advertisers.
That's right - advertisers!
As this Knight has described, the demand for STEEM REALESTATE is going to grow exponentially and will drive up the value of the STEEM token. However, there is one other industry that is going to drive it up more than any other - the advertisers.
These advertisers will not be looking to advertise on standard STEEM posts. They will be looking to tap into the community energy. And the result will be a meteoric rise in usership!
Advertises pay Community / Developer which in turn gets distributed to the community. This in turns attracts new members to the community and provides members with tokens to spend. Members spend tokens on products advertises are selling. Producers of products set up distribution networks on STEEM to get closer to their market.
Advertisers, product producers and distributors will all need resource credits - and demand for STEEM skyrockets!
A $300 Billion Dollar ecosystem is HUGE, and we are 10-15 years off this. But the strategy is sound and no institution on the planet is better placed than STEEM to become the worlds largest community hive and encrypted, decentralised marketplace for... EVERYTHING!
A man can dream, right?
Hi Clayrawlings,
At one time who thought bitcoin can grow upto this level. So why not steem. But it’s long way ahead.
That's right clay. I believe the term is 'visionary'. 😉
Posted using Partiko Android
I also want the rudder to be the main branch of the market. A few days ago I was thinking about a shopping website, where you can find everything from shirts, food. etc and that can be canceled in steem. Start using steem more as a modern newspaper.
I can't say less but agree totally with the submissions of this Knight on the imminent growth of STEEM. As an academia, I am very particular about the points raised in #5. The recent meddling of STEEM ecosystem with the academic community and its great wave of acceptance is bringing a lot new deal of greatness to STEEM. I see STEEM in school curriculum soonest, and we all know what that means.
I see these dreams come true. Thank you @SirKnight for sharing these reflections with us. This post brought energy to my ailing health and am glad about it.
Visionary men know perfectly well what they are talking about, maybe many do not understand what you mean, but the idea of steem as a commercial center, explains that, really, there is no need for competence beyond steem. The next few years will show what you have declared in this post SK.
This looks a very sound rationale to take steem to the much higher value it deserves.
With sort of positive future I am looking to seeing what can be achieved on steem to make the world a better place.
MSP Waves radio show host
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
I agree with you to some extent sk. But to him 15 years is like forever for steem to attain such price. Or probably because I don't know much about cryptocurrency
Nothing great was ever built in one night ladywayne - it takes many years to build world changing platforms.
Posted using Partiko Android
I look forward to the day when I see some real data to support your deductions !, and that the growth of this platform is massive thank's #SK
Steem will notwithstanding go up over the long haul. I can in like way concur with you that facebook is no opponent to steem.This gives us accept that steem won't be before long wiped off.
If Steem survives that long, by then anything is possible. I particularly love the manner in which that we keep creating and upgrading with progressions.
If Steem survives that long, then anything is possible. I particularly love the fact that we keep evolving and improving with innovations.
With all this analysis,steem will still go up in the long run. I can also agree with you that facebook is no rival to steem.This gives us hope that steem won't be soon wiped off.
$300 billion isn't that much in the social media space.
I'll look forward to the day I see some actual data to back up yer preductions!
ATM the trend's moving in the opposite direction. Of course this can change.
Posted using Partiko Android
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE in this infant of a market that we know as CRYPTO!
& thinking long term is what most people lack when it comes to crypto, so when I see someone looking at things long term and not just as a stone to blled (fiat) blood from, that is a positive sign of the times to come.
Cheers & right on!
Steem shines with a good future, depending on the members of the community that come true, I think that adjustments must still be made to minimize the inflation that is generated within the platform, but apart from that, steem is the best network to me. It seems, my knowledge has increased in recent months thanks to her. steem increases finances and knowledge.
But there are places that Facebook keeps increasing in users, especially Africa. I guess its going to take a long time for steemit to meet up with Facebook, beside that, i hear steemit has gotten some few rivals.
It is very possible and I truly believe so
Anything is sure possible. So steem rising to $1000 can be possible as well.
It's not impossible SK, especially with all the censoring going on with facebook, twitter and youtube. We only need a few percent of them to come over for your theory to become reality, cheers mate.
Posted using Partiko Android
I hope it will worth a lot!
I think the SMT's are for sure going to be a game changer and I really hope you are right.
Posted using Partiko Android
That, dear Sir, earned you a new follower. I love to play with the $1000 price of Steem in my mind. I actually think that the potential is much great than that. There are so many industries that can onboard here and Steem has the momentum no other utility token has. Easy access to blockchain. People will use Steem above all other coins to get a foot into the door of this new emerging market.
It's great to be part of it all and how big will be @Steemchurch in 15 years, if just with almost a year the scope is very broad, imagine with 15 years and with that world projection of Steem as cryptoactive.