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RE: .

in #steem9 years ago

First of all, thank you for taking your time to write this long post. And yes, I do read all the comments because I respect everybody - like I expect others to do the same! I really appreciate your effort.

It's simple: if you're working for someone else, you're working for their dream. The concept of work has been created for people who don't have a vision. Of course, there are always some people who have to work regular Jobs, otherwise our system wouldn't work. And if you love your work, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But for those people who go to work everyday feeling depressed, who only think about getting back home from work: it makes them sick. This daily burden will affect your mind and body and make you sick slowly but surely.
And it's not always bad to follow someone, if you are following someone wise or experienced and learn from them, that's great. But blindly working for someone else who doesn't have the same goal or doesn't bring you closer to your goal, is not what you want.

I'm happy to hear that you have found your own way, and you started your spiritual journey. This is something that the government/media/society has tried to hide because of the potential power you can gain from it, but it's natural and it's inside of us. You only have to awaken it.
I can recommend you a very interesting book: "Eastern Body, Western Mind" by Anodea Judith. It gives great insights about psychology, the chakra system, and how you can use it to your advantage to achieve your goals.

Anyway, thanks again for your great comment, very happy to find likeminded people here. I'm wishing you all the best for your future path and your family, and I'm sure you'll make it as your own boss. just stay motivated.


@sirwinchester I appreciate you taking the time to reply! I think you are spot on in your reply. Particularly the "This is something that the government/media/society has tried to hide because of the potential power you can gain from it" part. People often think I'm crazy or something when I try to educate them on what I have found. I always come back to the analogy "you can lead a horse to water but you can't force them to drink." That is often how I feel in this world. I have faith that my path will only get brighter. My priorities and thoughts have changed quite drastically in the last 24 months and I look forward to my future with my family!

Something I struggled with was a sense of purpose. I felt like what I was doing was insignificant, and some days I still feel that way because I am not yet where I envision myself being. But with hard work and dedication I believe I will achieve what I set out to do, and hopefully influence the world in my own positive way. Cheers friend and best of luck on your journey!