Steemit idea. How about a second chance?

in #steem9 years ago (edited)


Two up-vote buttons:

Say what girl!

Yes two up-vote buttons. The one is the known already reward up-vote button. The other would be a limited acceptance button 5 available daily that you can use it to give a second chance to authors. It will have a counter for you to know how many available votes you have left.

Hmm a second chance?

How many times haven't you read something that it is not quite your style, but you really thing it can be worth the vote for others. This way you send them to the 2nd chance tab (something like the way promoted is working) for easier display. this would be a very helpful add-on for all those that thing they are mistreated because of their luck to speak or write in English or their field is really not that specialized to fit a category that trends big sum of steem dollars.

What do you think. could this be beneficial?


Not sure that I understand your concept here @skapart. That may have a lot to do with how I approach posts. If the author has written well enough that I will read through the whole post, I upvote. Don't know that I have come across posts that I'd be inclined to support that I don't upvote.

can you read Greeks? would you upvote it? wouldn't any other language you don't understand be upvoted by you?
:) I hope you get it.

I only know English and thus only read English posts. I would make zero effort on other language posts so no, they would not be upvoted.