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RE: Is SteemIt Dead?

in #steem9 years ago

unfornatly yes. its sad but I called it a week ago. only one person I got to join have stayed and he hasent been on in 4 days so he might have quit too just hasent told me. So 99%-100% of the people I have gotten to join have quit. not a good % for something that is suposta be a growing social media platform.
please don't flagg me for spelling and grammer, im to lazy to fix it tonight, lol, part of the problem. 8D


Yeah.. I can not say no more. Actually I do not see like stellabella, dollarvirgilante or others writing post or any article, but that's okay. This is a chance to other people post a good article. I almost feeling down and want to quit, when I read an article from native speaker contain complaining about non native speaker who write with many bad grammar. My English is not good, I am not native speaker, but I talk to myself to go on because I have good purpose write on steemit. I want improve my English, share my feeling, knowledge and culture. So do not worry, many people still stay in steemit with good purpose. :)