@pagandance I myself as a new user that is new to blockchain in general, and not a tech person,i feel I represent what this place is seeking, in terms of mass appeal aka as a successful venture.
That is a steemian that is patient,
capable,and willing to be onboard for this innovative platform.Currently, that's a full-time job, and a big ask,like huge. It's going to be difficult to get your average human being to invest any heart and soul into into this place or even begin to navigate the sea of disconnected fragmented nearly impossible to digest lingo. That being said I appreciate your honesty and approach, and would add a lingo section to explain the terminology both germaine to steemian life as well as blockchain technology in general. Take the approach of being a nursery for plankton, not a perfect storm tpyphoon where new plankton don't even see themselves as Minnow food. The investors, devs, etc involved here are so enmeshed with their ecosystem they can't possibly remove themselves from it. Hence, the pervasive circle jerks or feel of a lonely gamer sitting in a dark basement that is the essence of the entire ecosystem, agree with me or not my opinion is guaranteed to be echoed by any current or future new users as things are.
Posted using Partiko Android
If you're not a techie, then this Steem(it) thingie has an incredible steep learning curve.
For a comparison, when I upload a video on Youtube that I shot handheld and thus has lots of shakiness and movements, I use the Youtube "stabiliser" function in stead of using a video editing program, because I find these to cumbersome to use.
A platform that wants to attract and retain people should make things easier and not more difficult, or all what you get left is a few mancave nerds chatting with each other tinkering on the latest improvement and discussing its possible drawbacks, while the big world outside moves on.