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RE: Open Letter to Ned

in #steem6 years ago

That's a pretty easy to dissect graph? Everyone can click on the blocks to see where the money n power flows. So? Who is freedom the center of this decentralized myth? Sure, @ned like a, fucking prick has said, we're not stakeholders in stinc, that's true, but we r apparently complicent in this joke of a rigged election process which dictates the motives of this place which we r stake holders in. Cut the shit! Let's get real, and revolutionize this place or rise from the ashes, fuck @ned.

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This post hasn't been created to fill speculations or to create hate. Please refrain from doing that.

Sorry bro, I'd like an answer to my very real to the core question? Who is freedom? How beholden are you all to them? It's not speculative or hate mongering it's reality? I can read a graph and know what words like voting and democratic mean

Posted using Partiko Android

Freedom is anonymous. Ned said he doesn't know who freedom is and nobody can prove nor disprove this thesis.

Steem is built on the values of stakeholders, thus on the power of money/stake.

And you can seriously accept this schism? So you admit you're OK with an anonymous investor controlling everything! I'm not trying to instigate or be insulting it's just quite absurd to ever assume any real thinkers would believe in such blatant hypocrisy..

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Steem has a pretty good way of distributing currencies. There are pros and cons of having big stakeholders. Everyone has to decide that for themselve.

Time will tell on the distribution, you're correct on the deciding for themselves. I hope you're all well prepared for more tough questions in regards to the very pertinent factors that make future investments of time, energy, and assets a very daunting task. Look, I don't hate this place I'm just not delusional, I see people building something, that hasn't been built before so I'm naturally apprehensive about the longevity of anarchy greed based politics that accept such fallacies as you seem to be inclined to do so. That's why I don't vote for any of the top 20 witnesses and I'm doing my part to raise awareness about the harsh realities of your approved wealth distribution that benefits you and the other. 1%

Follow n upvote 💪

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