Last week I reached my breaking point with my employer and decided to part ways with the company. I had been fighting the feeling to do so for some time now because I wanted to put more attention into building my roadside assistance business back up. The pay wasn't great at all and barely paid the bills.
Of course it's easy to just find another higher paying job right? Wrong. Given some bad decisions I made as a teenager has enabled my hiring process although I have two college degrees. I usually be off on mondays so today was the actual day that it hit me.
Just like any other workday morning, my alarm clocks goes off at 5am and I'm already awoke in bed knowing I have no where important to be in the next few hours yet I'm still up. Normally had I still had that job, I would be dragging to get out of bed and would have hit the snooze button til 6am. I guess I was just going through the motions. I get out the bed around 5:45am because tat this point I'm full awake with no signs of going back to sleep. I jump on the laptop and started collecting coins from some faucet websites for about an hour or so. I get a call from a friend who was passing by the neighborhood, asking me was I going to work today so I explained to him that I no longer worked there.
Around 8am I received a call from my uncle asking if I could help him move and that he would pay me $200. I agreed to help him but knew I was going to need another set of hands since my uncle had just had surgery. I reach out to @geechidan and we split the $200 plus got free breakfast.
Sitting here at the gym now reflecting on wether I want to go back and work for someone else or stay home and work for myself. I have a business that has the potential to cover my monthly expenses but I have to build back up my clientele which could take some time to do. I just don't want to fall behind on bills while trying to build back up.
This steemit platform has great potential to become a full time job itself yet I lack the following. So my mission is to as open as possible and see what barriers I can break down. I'm claiming financial freedom from punching time clock and writing my own story.
Looking at things on the bright side: this level of freedom feels excellent. Just send good vibrations my way universe and I shall forever be grateful.
I hope it all works out for you.
Followed :)
I'm a firm believer that it has already worked itself out and that's why I'm traveling on this path. I forgot to mention that on the day I drove from the job, less than 3 minutes after leaving I seen my affirmation which was confirmation I made the right choice. Now I just have to trust the journey. Thanks for the follow and I will return the favor. I'm active daily as well. Be blessed ✌🏾✌🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Good luck! I know the feeling.
Thanks a lot pal. I'm trusting and believing that it will work out in my favor. So far the path have been good to me but I know it's early. Thanks for the encouragement. 👍🏾👍🏾