1 Year Old, on the STEEM Blockchain, My Story - Part One

in #steem6 years ago

post and thinking I must do my own.Yesterday I was reading @nickyhavey’s excellent

Apologies for the multi-post but I don't write things by halves and I feel 1500 words is enough for a single sitting. The next one will likely be another 1500 followed by another. There's simply a lot to tell.


My introduction to STEEM was merely by chance noticing it sitting at #27 in the https://coinmarketcap.com/ ranks. It seemed like there was a tangible idea behind the coin and so I applied for a Steemit account.

In The Beginning

On March 3rd, 2018 I received an email that my Steemit account was ready for use. I applied sometime in early February and had given up on it. I was reading at the time that there was a ‘waiting list' but surely not this long?

It was all so exciting, I was going to earn some of this STEEM simply for writing something. My expectations were not high and though I noticed ‘Trending’ and all its huge potential pay-outs, that was just for the fantastic content, right..., RIGHT?


You can hardly miss ‘Trending’ after your introduction from Steemit Inc. ‘Have a look on Trending…’ or words to that effect are thrown at you.

On my first day, I did write something. At home, something was creeping around in my loft and I wasn’t sure what it was.


That seemed good enough. It was not too long, had a little comedy and earned me a ‘big vote’ from someone named @hr1 and a total reward of 27c.

From the very first day, I started looking around for others who had my interests. I started following this person and that one for mostly the wrong reasons.

One was a very large Orca who blogs daily about cryptocurrencies. You may guess who it is.

‘He gets loads of votes so maybe he will give me one'

Talk about being a STEEM lamer! We have all been there. The votes and even a singular ‘vote’ never happened, and so I did a search for a band that I was really digging at the time, ‘Porcupine Tree’ and found this post from a certain @steevc.


This was my first interaction with someone who would become my STEEM role model. It’s now a year later and I can honestly say I couldn’t have found a better teacher.

I commented on his 10-month-old post but even at this early stage realised it was pointless to vote it as the reward had already been paid out.

Look at this guy, his account is worth $41,000 (STEEM was much higher then), he’s a whale’.He responded, and we had some comments go back and forth. This was exciting, and I hailed my colleague @goblinknackers and said, ‘

He wasn’t a whale but a dolphin. Something I would learn about very shortly.

....almost 400 words and I barely got started, hope you readers are patient..…

I posted the next day and earned a fat $0.00. My next post took some writing and earned me a resounding ZERO again!

he will be laughing right now, I can just see it).That @steevc bloke had encouraged me to write some stuff about music and didn't even give me a vote! (

I was disheartened, to say the least. It had taken me much more effort and it was my low point. I did a little rant in a post somewhere expecting scorn but was surprised with the reaction I got back.

Support and motivation from @steevc and this wild haired drummer dude named @heymattsokol who was writing some inspirational posts at that time.

"If you want to be a real Steemian you must endure the pain of several $0.00' posts'

Does this happen in today's world, with all those incentives available to us? Yes, if you write crap it does, but I was already writing these meaty articles. At this point, it was time for a change.

"My writing would be shorter, and I would save masterpieces for when I gained a healthy audience."

This seemed to work, and I got just one more $0.00 post before never seeing another. How many $0.00 posts did you have to endure?

big' vote and usually the ‘only' vote for my posts.That @steevc character had now followed me and I waited with bated breath for that ‘


My eighth post was to be the introduction one and this is where things started happening. @steevc resteemed it and he had ‘loads’ of followers. Some read my post and I netted over $5.


Woah…, this was great and some other people had noticed me.

@shaka and @gtg gave me these nice votes and I had no idea who they were at this time. There were others I'm sure that were @steevc's followers who had also commented and noticed it.

I was a happy @slobberchops that day I tell you. $5 on every post was great and so I wrote the next one that didn’t do as well but still gained me $2.


post.Who was this @surpassinggoogle character and why had he taken an interest in my Fish and Chips

Little did I know that he was the saviour of the Philippine community at the time (and still is) and I had used the #philippines tag. My wife is from said country.

@stav and @silviabeneforti had also started following me. I always remember the early support I gained and appreciated it.

I made some cheesy posts about large rabbits and seagulls which brought me down to earth with a bump. They were pretty crappy but I was struggling to think of content to write about at the time.

‘Whatever happens during the day, it doesn’t matter, just write about it’

This became my motto and I tried to post every day and made sure I responded to all comments.

Curie Recognition (18th March 2018)

music post I had written, and I had another $5 post.One day I noticed all these votes streaming in. What the hell was going on? @curie has noticed a


It wasn’t necessarily deep in content but was opinionated and made people think. You always remember your first @curie don’t you?

From my very early days, I started buying STEEM. 84 STEEM on the 10th March, another 276 on the 14th and 139 more on the 23rd. I wasn't quite a Minnow but was close.

SteemCamp, Birmingham, (7th April 2018)

I was hearing about this 'thing' called ‘SteemCamp hosted by a certain @lloyddavis.

He seemed a big shot to me, and so I tried to get his attention. Credit to Lloyd he responded to comments, and so I made a choice that might have been make or break.


The 7th April 2018 SteemCamp was a question mark to me. Should I stay, or should I go? Yes, that an overused cliché, and I had to think hard whether it was justified to drive to Birmingham to meet these people who may be akin to crazed Scientologists that may be trying to indoctrinate me.

I remember @pennsif sending me a message about SteemCamp and he voted up my reply with a vote of 2% which still had some value. Christ, this guy was one big player!

The days proceeding SteemCamp I bought quite a bit of STEEM and was running at around 1400 SP. Considering STEEM was just under $2 per at the time It would have given me a decent vote. Even then I must have believed.

I persuaded my reluctant wife, @bingbabe to accompany me to SteemCamp. The location was central but in some very downtrodden area in the city.

It's himWhilst leaving the car park I noticed this tall bloke walking along who looked suspiciously like @steevc. ‘', said @bingbabe and so I hailed the prospective @steevc who confirmed that it was indeed him.


SteemCamp was a strange affair to me, something like a work-based role-playing session from the eighties.

@lloyddavis paced up and down giving us menacing stares and it was all getting a little heavy. There was a drawing board and we all had to add our ideas to it and discuss.

After the initial session, it got more relaxed and I started talking to some of the others. When I say others, it was a poor turnout with around 12-14 people. I made some connections with @article61, @beautifulbullies, and @redrica amongst others.

People were passionate about STEEM and blogging, that’s what I picked up from them all.

Some people were supposed to attend but didn’t turn up. Where was @pennsif, and @shanibeer? One bloke turned up but couldn’t get in the building. I found out later that it was @revisesociology, someone I would be destined to meet later at SteemFest 3.


SteemCamp is hosting their second meeting in April. It's worth going and you will get some connections. If you are in the UK I do urge you to attend.

The SteemEngine - a choosy curation group (3rd April 2018)

Several days before SteemCamp, I had applied to become a member of @thesteemengine. It was not easy to get admission to this curation group and I was not exactly rejected but kind of put on hold. @catweasel was not convinced I was going to stick about, and they had rules about length of service.


I had been blogging for only a month and so I was very new and didn't tick all the boxes. In response, I wrote this article which made him and them reconsider. I didn’t get on my high horse and gave a review of what I had seen so far of TSE.


The post did rather well in terms of rewards and earned me a place in @thesteemengine.

Just before all this happened I bumped into someone named @daan who was great, supportive and had sent me the information about TSE.

I'm still a member of @thesteemengine to this day and they are still as choosy as ever on admittance. If you are a new blogger, can write in English then try your luck, it's still worth being a member of TSE.

To be continued...

All images used are in the public domain or are from previous Steemit articles I have written or referred to.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


A fascinating read @slobberchops, I think we are in the same generation of steemians who have seen the potential and excitement and managed to keep it together all the way down to $0.22, hopefully the ride up will be far more enjoyable.

It's interesting how you meet different characters and the initial perception we have when we land in this frontier territory.

I am glad you're here. Steem is a better community thanks to the efforts of people like you.

Looking forward to the next chapter!


Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats !!!!

Thank you, just wish it was my 2yr birthday. I found out about STEEM far too late!

Happy Steemversary! :-)

( Times when I was able to go through all posts in #introduceyourself category are long time gone, but somehow I found yours that day :-) )

I was so happy when I got $5 for that post. I saw you at SteemFest 3 but didn't say hello. I wont make the same mistake later this year, if @roelandp does another one. Thanks for the early support and motivation.

Has it really been that long ago? Time sure flies when you're having fun! I'm glad you eventually got accepted to TSE and that we're both still members :)

TSE was great for me and I have more memories of it too tell. It has been a year and how different things are now?

Dang! You got .27 on your first post? That is awesome! :) I had a ton of the $0 posts. It was pretty pathetic. Probably more accurate to what a lot of other people experience though. @daan is a great guy and @thesteemengine is awesome. I am happy to have gotten hooked up with all three of you! Nice post!

It was due to @hr1, the 'bot' who was actually real and I named a 'Legend' at SF3. He seemed bemused but happy enough with the name I had given him.

Congratulations on your Steemversary! You've packed a lot into that year. I didn't find out about that first Steemcamp until it was all over. It sounds a bit daunting!

You will enjoy it, @lloyddavis is a good dude too, he just looks a bit serious sometimes...

Haha - I'm sure I will, and a bit of serious brainstorming won't go amiss too.

What a year it's been. I'm happy to take the 'blame' for keeping you here. You have become a key part of the community. I have to admire your investment in Steem and I hope it pays you back many times over. It's been great to meet and talk to you. All that from a shared interest in prog :)

I bet there were some things you read that you didn't know about?!

Thanks, and see you next month. It wont be long now, and I may not feel as uncomfortable as the last one. We don't seem to talk much about prog when we meet up either...

There was stuff that was new to me. I can't keep up with everything. It's been great to see your progress. I'm happy to talk prog any time. Your posts about various bands have been great. If like to do more music posts when I find time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @slobberchops, only a year on Steemit, you're doing excellently! I've been shaking my head up and down having gone through some of the same feelings :) Looking forward to the next installment!

Posted using Partiko Android

It was really hard to start with. TSE helps a lot and they did well to take you on. It's a bit of an exclusive club now isn't it?

Happy Birthday!! xoxo

My cat looks about as happy as this one does, thanks!

Many steemy returns from the guy who couldn't get in the building.

Nice write up....

I can hardly remember my early days other than getting $120 upvote from @curie, for a post about the economics of cycling. That was inspiring to say the least!

i might have to go back when I'm 2 years old and do a more thorough trawl through, I kind of wasted my year anniversary post, oh yeah, i was between houses and just very stressed at the time!

Check your steem-engine wallet, I sent you a birthday present!

You could still do a belated one, would love to hear your story.

Check your steem-engine wallet, I sent you a birthday present!

This had me scratching my head, until I figured it was monsters.

Just what I need.. a Rusty Android and at level one too.. WOO!, thanks.

I could actually couldn't I!

It wasn't a rusty android I sent you for yr birthday - that'd be like getting coal for Xmas!

Steem-engine - https://steem-engine.com

Although what I sent you us actually worth less than both rusty android and coal.

Still, it's the thought that countz, right?!

Posted using Partiko Android

It wasn't a rusty android I sent you for yr birthday - that'd be like getting coal for Xmas!

LOL.. I havent actually used 'Steem-engine - https://steem-engine.com' before.. but just logged in. These are all those user tokens.., I have some ENGAGE ones too...from who I don't know.

Thanks.. for the REV tokens.. I will hoard them forever!

That may well be your only option. I've yet to figure out how to use them.

Check out @abh12345's recent posts for how he's using his ENGAGE tokens, good example!

What a journey it was and still is :)

Thanks @verhp11, the people you meet in the early days you always remember and you were one of them.

Same here :) !! we had and will have a lot of interesting posts, comments and sharing a lot of good music :)

Happy steemit-anniversary!!! I remember your first times here, I found you thanks Steevc who resteemed one of your posts. You're doing really a great work here! Hugs from Italy 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

It was likely that intro post, so long ago..? Thanks for the early support and hope you can make it to the next 'fest' if it happens.

There it is! Great to read your journey in this multi part thriller! Seems you got your head around the platform a lot quicker than me haha! And good that you met up with some names I have seen around the platform in the UK!

Thanks for the shout out, look forward to part 2

Posted using Partiko Android

I took to it quick but was really lucky to meet the right people to start with. If I hadn't I wouldn't be here now. It wasn't all good and just like your tale there were times when I wanted to quit.

I think that's where I am seeing a drive is to be really supportive to new members on the platform, letting them know about communities they can join. Something I didn't know much about in the first 7 months but it looks like 2019 will have a shift in the way new members are "onboarded".

Posted using Partiko Android

I remember the zero posts when starting. Those were heady days indeed back then when you started. I think I remember following that orca for exact same reason you did. Lol. Same results

Happy first birthday!

Thanks, good to hear you went down the well trodden path like me.., it didn't take me long before I hit the unfollow button.

Yeah, we all make those mistakes when starting out. It's funny how some don't move on our realise though

Ha ha, it was all so mystifying in the beginning, that's what I found, but you made it and, eventually, we did connect and meet and become friends :).
I'm interested that you always feel that a small number of people came to SteemCamp? It was about ten per cent of the people who hold steem accounts in the UK. Mind you, one of the people I've spoken to in Leicester said, "it sounds a bit cultish" hehe. Look forward to the next instalment!

I bet @lloyddavis doesn't see this, but if he does he might clobber me for my implied representation of him! It felt formal to start last year but then just completely relaxed.

If there's more then it may feel more like 'fest' which was completely different. How many have paid so far?

That wont give any indication of numbers as I haven't paid yet (as well as others) but may give you a clue at attendance numbers.

Definitely relate to much of your early experience. I'm having a tough time making progress but doing my best to stay positive and push through the early stages. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow.. This is an untold story. There are a lot more people that must see this testimony. Its so inspirational. I believe steem has made a significant change in your life just like it has to some of us. I am so glad to find you sir. Thanks so much for your support @slobberchops

Congratulations on one year!

Happy birthday or anniversary or whatever. It's funny, I discovered you by searching for interesting posts on technology and computers. And here you are interacting with the @silviabeneforti and @lloyddavis and a bunch of others I see all the time. It's actually kind of surprising how small the community of content creators on here is. But I think that's part of the charm as well. It's still operating at human scale.

In these times of dire STEEM prices the community has shrunk. Yes, I met the aforementioned two above very early on and I'm glad I did.

Happy 1-year brother. I know I'll be seeing you here again next year for another anniversary.....and many times in between.

Thanks @jeezzle. I'm not going anywhere.. just wish I had 28 hour days to fit it all in.

I can relate ao much to your beginning except that I have to experience a meetup of other Steemians! Crazy days as Steem was still above $3 and every dip below was seen as a great buying opportunity! Look forward to the next part(s)!

Posted using Partiko iOS

that I have to experience a meetup of other Steemians!

You should, that human connection makes all the difference. Are you in Europe or the US? There are meetups all the time going on.

happy birthday for this journey. finally i seen your post then follow you and resteem your post. thank you brother.

The trending page got me confused too when I first joined steemit way back when. It was so different from the trending pages of other sites that I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I thought the only thing people were interested in was crypto technical analysis and programming.

Happy steemit birthday! It definately was a wild year for you, really enjoyed reading all that, I think everyone can relate at least a little bit to your journey here on steemit :)

Thanks, hope to see yours after a year too!

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 426 (03/11/19)


Time does fly when you're having fun! I sure remember those days. I wonder how a brand new account feels today about the site? I guess in the end it is what one makes of it.

happy bday and you look like an alice cooper with weight gain lol
have a great day cheers

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