It is your rewards he is plundering, so it is up to you if you want to take action.
This nails it really, should all the reward pool go to the bot creators, or do you want more of the pot?
These guys keep coming on here and using bots that make them no money.. its all an illusion, those big payouts that can be seen are simply that..
I so wish that Trending was not the default page. It gives a very wrong impression of what Steem is.
yep the problem of steem is algoritm of trending and hot page, we need something like google, not just pay to win , its to easy to game. There is no visibility for people who are not using bidbots and dont have true followers.
We have some chance to get on Hot, so that might be better, but a certain Mr H is on there a lot. Surprised he's still around.
He's doubled his investment several times already. Now, it's just pure profit.
I've seen he's in a fight over dstors. He'll get no support from me