Google takes 45%. A small handful of people get rich, buy yachts, do cocaine, while expensive hookers feed them grapes off the vine, or something
Sounds about right, but sometimes it goes very, very wrong.
Yeah, I think that's the party I got invited to but couldn't go because I had "plans." Ha! How is that story even real...
That's comedic gold right there. That writer should be on Steemit.
Speaking of which... Isn't it fun how we're all back to talking in circles about some of the same things we've been talking in circles about since they invented the circle?
Do you really think someone invented the circle?
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, yeah, I mean, haven't you ever heard the legend? That guy went to work one day, started building squares on the production line, like any normal day before that. It was almost lunch break and he still had work to do, but was SUPER hungry, so he cut some corners to get the job done faster, and that square took on the shape of something like -----> O <----- one of those. The boss liked it and promoted him to lead shift supervisor, and you know what his name was? That's right!
Juan Circle
Fuck school, only told me shit
Thanks sir
Posted using Partiko Android
You're welcome.
Posted using Partiko Android