So why do I want power in a game which isn't currently fun and the developers aren't focused on making fun?
Well I don't know, why did you power up up until now?
The people who power down get to trade crypto currencies and have fun doing that. The people who hold SP get to do what? Curate? But that matters why? That is fun why?
I don't know, you tell me. Why are you here? why have you powered up? what did you expect?
What do you propose to make it more fun? Steem power are locked in a contract and that gives you voting rights. This design is very restrictive to any kind of game someone wants to create.
Steem the currency would actually be best suited to created Wow gold/linden dollar type currency as SP can't be transfered.
SP wasn't mean to be liquid, or a currency, in the original whitepaper. I powered up in the hope of long term success and in the hope that others would power up after I did. When confidence decreases or when I don't know why anyone should power up then I start powering down.
Friends lists, groups, subscriptions, gamification, and less of a focus on how much money each person has.