I don't think that content creators and dapp developers have to be mutually exclusive.
I believe (or hope) that there is still a lot of overlap where everyone can still access a share of the rewards pool. I really don't think that content creators are going to be fucked.
Ultimately, popularity and social activity will always play a part in the rewards distribution. And there will always be people interested in the writing, photography, videos, etc, that are found here.
Especially if you can build a community among your followers.
I agree with that, I think there is room for all and for many an overlap because I know for one that I don't want to be stuck in just one niche.
It's jut not the first time I have read a post decrying content creators as if they are the enemy sometimes. Which is odd.
Building a cmmunity is important. What often counts though is them not fucking off at the first sign of Steem breaking two dollars :OD