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RE: We haven't met, and this is crazy - But I want to trade you crypto for your contact me, maybe?

in #steem8 years ago

It is an excellent idea!

Three years ago, I bought a 2006 Jetta diesel for 7.5 bitcoin. (just under $4500 at the time).

Now the important part is to not do the math on what the coin is worth today!!


Exaclty! haha
Where did you buy it from? Did you use a website to find it, or just word of mouth?

I just started asking around. I had met other local people in my community who were into crypto, and it went from there.. It took me about a month to find the Jetta.

I am not sure how big the crypto community is in your area, but using Steemit and maybe some online advertising sites and you might find something. Good luck!

Ah ok, cool deal. Thanks for the info, @snubbermike!