Marketing has changed tremendously since the Internet arrived. It is no longer about just creatively communicating & grabbing the attention of the customer to make them buy whichever product or service one is trying to sell.
I can say this with with a serious authority because I have been practicing conventional marketing techniques in a market which is on the verge of exploding with serious influx of internet. I am experiencing what marketers from US/UK would have experienced in 2000s over the span of 5-7 years, in just matter of months. with the rise of JIO internet, Indian telecom providers are dropping the mobile data rates to record low. The consumers are getting hooked on all that is there to be hooked on the internet which all we know is damn addictive.
Life of a marketer in India has just become a rough journey of learning about these new media as well as figuring out how a country like no other on this planet is going to react. India is not like US or China, it is like Hindustan. A mystery box which has its own rules.
So where does the blockchain & steemit comes in these discussions? As we know majority of steemers are from the developing country because Steem dollar is pegged to USD, so it becomes a great opportunity for individuals from Venezuela, India, Indonesia to start earning in USDs with SBDs. World wants to interact with these users & these users want to interact with the world. Daily active user growth on platforms which provide fair monetization & opportunity to showcase their talent for the developing country users is humongous.
Following are few reasons i believe why Blockchain will be a essential driving tech for India:
- Especially in India, consumers faced a severe shock last year from demonetization drive done by the current prime minister of India Mr. Modi, who banned nearly all the circulating currency notes. This sent the country in chaos & consumers who never ever thought of opening bank accounts started opting for e-wallets & digital banking services. This provides a serious opportunity for digital currencies in this country.
- India has been known for its Jugaad method of doing business. Jugaad means achieving business objectives using all possible ways like manipulating, compromising, negotiating & using every street technique which will get the job done. Blockchain at its core is based on the barter economies, which practically is the basis of Jugaad technique. So Inherently Indians are used to this barter system, util it gets the job done, we will not complain.
So as Indians we know to find ways around all this, if the FM would have ignored crypto, it would have been a total disaster, but now we know the government is not going to support us, so we will start finding ways around it as we always do. (I will be creating a detailed post about the status of cryptocurrencies in India in some days as the dust clears properly & we knowexactly what is in store for crypto investors & enthusiasts in india) So Blockchain can be that next hack which Indians may start adopting too.Indians are known to bend the rules to their will when it comes to business. Though that does not just mean breaking the rules & going against the system, but it means hacking the rules to find better ways which are more efficient, productive & profitable. As we all know current Finance minister of India has banned/apparently banned the crypro currencies & has refused to recognize them under any credible asset class (which is completely expected as Indian gov itself launched a crypto currency called Lakshmi few months back) To know more read: India is the largest democracy in the world. Distributed ledger is definitely is a concept which at its core signals towards distributed ownership which can be broken down to democracy. Indians are at their core are very democratic & sympathize with every concept which sympathizes with this concept consciously or unconsciously.
So in summary, blockchain should be looked at seriously by Indian marketers early its lifecycle because when the next wave hits, it will be too late to understand the crypto industry because there will be hundreds of applications which will be building up on the basic blockchains.
I have started learning Solidity already & looking forward to understand the tech in much more detail to know how to manipulate the technical aspects from a marketer's perspective.
@joeparys @haejin @hr1