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RE: Managing the Voting Power of Multiple Staked Tokens

in #steem6 years ago

Smart :D

And messy :D

This will be hell with a few more communities coming up that are interesting enough. I hope SMT's will have a smart/technical solution for this, or maybe Steem-Engine themselves come up with someting. Maybe a SCOT Dashboard where you can set up how to handle your VP per SCOT. And have 'fictional' accounts manage that VP/DV if needed, instead of us all each creating accounts?

Lots to think about, and lots of interesting discussions are flowing on Steem. All in all it's pretty epic what's happening right now :-)


Thanks, and a little :)

A SCOT dashboard, sounds interesting. There are a few approaches but none are perfect and the main resource i feel is time. I guess we will have to focus on our main areas of interest as the tribes appear.

I agree these are fascinating times, now all we need is the bull to arrive for STEEM :)

Thanks, and a little :)

A SCOT dashboard, sounds interesting. There are a few approaches but none are perfect and the main resource i feel is time. I guess we will have to focus on our main areas of interest as the tribes appear.

I agree these are fascinating times, now all we need is the bull to arrive for STEEM :)