Last week I made a post about me and Paola’s stay in the Dominican Republic as expats for 6 months. During this stay, we endured 2 hurricanes. Irma, and Maria.
Fortunately for us our fate was not the same as Puerto Rico’s. Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria. And it’s still struggling to recover. Remember, this is United States territory. And yet, it’s still struggling to recover like a third world country.
I made it clear that the SBD earnings from that post would be donated to a reputable charity relief fund. Thus I have made the decision to donate my earnings to Unidos Por Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, the post did not do as well as I had hoped, however it was something and something is always better than nothing. If you are in a position to help, I’d say give it some thought.
The power of the Steem blockchain is unmatched. The ability to generate money that can be donated to a good cost at little to no expense is revolutionary. Blockchain technology is changing the world, and we have to embrace it every step of the way.
Hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know what you think in the comments below!
I believe that everything I desire to accomplish, will in fact be accomplished.
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How do you get such an amazing upload quality on 480p ?
Great job!
Thanks for noticing! I'll do a video on it soon!
That would be awsome! Can you please write me a message when you do so I#m so busy right now ! I'll probably miss it! That would be a shame! :) Greets
It was a really scary experience to go through and we didn't even experience what the people in Puerto Rico did, this is really awesome of you.
Thanks babe :) Yeah it was interesting to say the least. I'm glad we weren't hit that bad. It's incredible to think that the storm that hit us impacted so many lives right before that.
That intro sequence is pure visual poetry.
Thank you!!!
thats a great step form Puerto Rico people!!!!!!!!
Awesome cause and great of you to donate the funds!
Thanks for that brother! Looking to give back in more ways in the future!
Nice one, dude. You're one of the only ones fighting for a bigger cause.
P.S - That mug is huge though
Thanks for that man, I appreciate it!
P.S - I get that a lot haha. It's soooo awesome though!
Brotha! I'm from Puerto Rico and I honestly think you shouldn't donate directly through the site since its government funded & established and they haven't distributed the help to the people of Puerto Rico...my mom still lives out there
Interesting to hear you say that! Tell me more! Do you have any more information?
amazing post. I follow you!
Nice video