The past three days have had me questioning whether or not I was a “good enough” creator. Unfortunately that’s the mind game I play here on the Steem blockchain. What is a blessing is also a curse. So taking some advice from Gary Vee and my good friend Kevin Li, I decided to document the process and the struggle. Here’s a peek into what’s got me thinking.
So maybe the music was a little touchy 😂 Sorry, I promise it get's better through the video!
ALL Of My Music Comes From:
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▶️ DTube
I don't believe there's two sides to every story. It's black and white. There's right and wrong.
Keep steemit dear
Upvoted 👍👍
Congratulations you were noticed and upvoted by @thejohalfiles, I believe this will be a great encouragement to us, and we don't have to rely on bid upvote bots...
Not sure if I commented on your stuff in December, but I made a video about this back then at the least. (Wanted to finish the video, but it keeps freezing at 2:37).
Anyway, from the comments, I see that there was some question as to whether you should have invested in the equipment, and to that I say it was the best thing you could have done. Invest in your craft, invest in yourself, not any one platform.
As for the upvotes, DTube, DLive, Steemit, it's all a Skinner Box. I don't think it's intentional, but currently the whole system is an oligarchy. One of my earliest videos is about how these accounts having massive SP is a problem. You shouldn't rely on a few people to provide your income. Scale is the best way to secure long-term success as a creator. And DTube doesn't have that yet. The distribution of SP isn't there yet, and likely never will be.
But you've got a lot of talent, passion, and the willingness to put in the work. Diversify your portfolio of income sources, and keep making good work. Maybe that's the conclusion you came to in the video, lol. But those IPFS nodes are keeping me from watching it all the way.
Anyway, maybe we'll cross paths in NYC. hmu if you want to hang with a fellow creator/steemian (I'm in the DLive Discord, responded to one of your questions the other day, same handle.)
@gyrosean! Thanks so much for the detailed comment. I definitely agree that we need more steemians with more steem power. It was designed so that we would earn as we create but unfortunately it just doesn't seem to be working. And thank you for backing up my decision to invest in myself. I do still believe it was the best move.
We should definitely get up in NY! I'll reach out to ya on Discord soon!
All of us facing the same problem. I lost my youtube channel a few days ago without any reason then I think steemit will be a great platform for me. But I did not get any good response from here.
@jzzia keep going at it and don't give up. It takes hard work and patience!
motivating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we all struggle with the same issues, thanks for being open and letting us relate ❤️
You know it! Thanks for being my biggest supporter of all time! <3
All true points, man. If anything, it might've been your downfall that you used your money too fast on equipment because you believed DTube was going the way YouTube is but they are, as you have realised, very different platforms.
Nice vlog, great to see SpencerSpice back on trending
I could see that. I guess I didn't really give it much thought. Honestly I don't regret moving on all the equipment so fast. Some reinvest their earnings into the platform, I chose at the time to reinvest it into my content creation. They are very very different platforms but ultimately I'm still really grateful to be here doing this. It can be an expensive gig, but it's really fun and it's what I love doing day in and day out.
Thanks for all the continued support homie!
No doubt, catch ya!
Thank you for this, so true and motivating.
Glad I could help @melissacynthia!
Wow, I did not know you bought all this equipment, I thought you got at least some of it sponsored. I work with brands a lot and am always happy to help you get your equipment sponsored, just hit me up discord or twitter :P
Hey @tanbay, thanks for watching! I'll be shooting you a message on Discord shortly!
Hey brother, I totally get what you mean man. I mean sometimes I get upvotes on stuff that I haven't put too much effort in and then I look at you with ur vlogs and I'm like "damn! Why didn't he get a dtube upvote" sometimes I even feel guilty to be honest, but it really isn't my fault. I'm grateful that dtube upvotes me, but now back to you...I don't think that you are doing anything wrong man, but I think sometimes they overlook content. They also want to upvote other people. That doesn't mean that they should just overlook your content...I can empathize with what you said man. I know I'm going back and forth with this man, but it's because I don't have a clear answer because these are just assumptions. The only thing I know is that Kevinli has become their all time favorite which I'm really happy for because he does make great content, but that leads to the question if it's biased and I think part of it is since they are doing it manually. Again, I'm really really grateful that they like my content, but that can also mean that everyday there's someone else curating the rewards (maybe...I'm assuming). That's why I'm really happy for you that you have kpine who's supporting you brother. I wish I could change the situation and tell dtube to see your awesome content, but I can't and so the only thing what we can do Is keep on making awesome content and maybe making videos like you did right now to say "hey dtube, I know I don't have the right to be telling you to give me upvotes, but do know that I have invested a lot into all of the equipment and I try my best to make killer content every single time. I take it seriously." If you do this and you are being honest (which you are) then that might help as well.
Brother, with all that being said, I want you to know that you deserve it brother.
Winny out...for now ;)
Winny! Wow thanks for the long detailed comment brother! I appreciate your thoughts, and honestly don't feel bad because you get upvotes and others don't. That's a good thing man, it means you're killing it! Keep up the awesome work. I don't feel any type of way towards others if they get upvotes even if I didn't I just sometimes question myself and my work!
Thanks for all your awesome support and everything you have done here on the blockchain man, can't wait to meet you one day! Also I'm going to shoot you a message in the discord shortly about the podcast!
thanks for sharing.
I struggle with the same thing. I try and make the best content that I can and I hardly ever get an up vote for dtube. I think i've gotten 1 maybe 2 between all the videos ive posted. I just have to keep going and hope in time my work will speak for its self. Also you should not rely just on Dtube for your income. There are so many other ways to generate income with your videos not just on dtube. Keep up the great work and hopefully in time things will change with the platform and improve as it still has its issues.
Keep going at it @aperterikk! I took a look at your page, it seems you only have a couple of videos so far. Keep experimenting keep modifying things play with your thumbnails your titles and see if you can swing a vote and ultimately don't stop creating, keep putting it out there! That's the advice I have for you that has helped me the most. And you're absolutely right, there are other ways and I'm looking into them as well! Thanks for watching!
I will for sure. Yea thumbnails are very important and probably my weakest department. Im working on it though.
Awesome video! I just resteemed! And thank you for sharing!
@teamsteem!!! Thanks for watching man, it means a lot and thanks for resteeming! I'm glad I could share my thoughts and struggle, hopefully I can inspire and motivate some others! Also thanks so much for the suggestions in the discord!
First of all, I love Gary Vee! That man puts out some amazing content every single day and sticks to his message. Personally, this is the first video of yours that I have ever watched so I don't know what your message is or what you like to make vlogs about but I would say that people tend to follow those that are consistent in their message and stick to their branding. I don't want to follow someone that is always changing the way they think or what they believe in. Major props to you for putting out such a raw video about your frustrations and the investment that you have made in yourself. Keep believing in yourself and putting out great content and I believe that you will be rewarded for it. There is a ton of noise on the Internet but the people that are persistent and showcase their lives and the struggle are the ones that rise to the top because it's relateable and people want to follow people that they can relate to. Awesome video!
He really does! Nobody quite like Gary Vee! Thanks so much for the kind words and thanks for watching! I really appreciate that and the motivation/support!!!
You are so very welcome :)
DTube will never go anywhere if Copyright is not enforced, and votebots don't go away.
Nice one Sir.
I agree dude and i understand you when you got high upvotes , but im felling like a depend on sort of people or Dapp , with high steempower and can't judge my own content if i deserve or not and this is insane.
Nice setup btw use some steem For up You're setup =D
God where have I been all these time!? hahah Literally found your vlog and watched it for the very first time.. without changing the playback rate ! :D haha
Who would want to watch a negative daily vlog ? right
Then after that 10 days in a roll ... NONE. I vlog daily as well and all my DTube vlogs, I spend hours filming and editing. 3days is probably nothing compared to some so I think you're in a good spot. Be proud and stay positive. Just eat instant on those days you know ;P LOLStruggle! This part I actually think everyone does.. @spenceryan, I know you invested both money and time so much onto what you're doing but.. the '3 days haven't gotten upvoted' and you've already upset. I meant people could be on the much worse spot. A lot more people. I hadn't been found for like weeks till my first big upvote (I mean, big enough for me LOL) 4 days in a roll so I was like, foooooooook this is so good.
'Then someone can make a simple vlog on an iphone of a headshot of people talking and their post make more than yours 3 days in a roll ' LOLOL I seriously have been telling this sentence to my cousins who know about the platforms for quite a bit now. God damn if I'm a whale, you would already have gotten $200 upvote from me by now but here you go my 2 cent LOLOL hahaha
Deserve/not deserve upvote - no one can tell.
PS. This comment is not a rant / complain either hahaha. Peace!
Well said. A lot of us go through this same struggle all the time and I have wanted better equipment for what I'm doing as well. The inconsistent payouts can be rough. I have been on here Since July 2016 and I the main thing that I have wanted is to be a full time content creator. It is a tough task for sure. Keep at it bro. You are making some positives waves and getting some killer shots and building your brand!
With this in mind, do you think it might be better to upload to Youtube and then post it on Steemit? To diversify your income streams and what not?