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RE: Well, there it is.

in #steem7 years ago

I think SBD is a good thing, pegged or not it serves as an "insurance" system in black swan market events like these where all coins are falling. SBD guarantees dollar value for content rewards. On the other hand, if we only have steem, and its value drops 80% in 3 days, we risk losing many users who were profit-driven. Let's face it, most people are here for the money, unfortunately. However, with SBD in place there is an insurance mechanism which will still give content creators a good incentive to keep posting. Now, people might be scared that SBD debt will create massive Steem inflation, but the truth is that it really won't because most people sell on the market rather than convert into newly minted Steem. And for all those who say "it confuses the newbies", let it confuse them, if they do not want to fully dedicate themselves to understanding how the system works let them be confused, let's weed out those bad apples. SBD is essential for Steem, and for those that say get rid of SBD that we don't need it nor use it, just look at daily trading volumes, sometimes it comes close to matching Steem's trading volumes, it serves a real purpose. On the other hand if you want no insurance policy on your rewards that's up to you, but just remember, this is crypto, and a freely loose market-driven coin as a 100% reward system might mean today you made 100$ and a week from now only $5 per day, anything could happen.