I really want to learn how to code.
I have a lot of knowledge about blockchains to a certain degree, but when people call me "so smart" because of what I know I actually feel like an idiot.
I have no idea how to code or to even read bitcoin or steemits code...so how smart can I really be...
I have NO clue where to start...I was at he library and picked up this big heavy book "C++ for dummies" and I felt like a moron on page 1 it was like I was reading egyption hieroglyphics...I assumed I had to do learn so much more before even learning C++...and the worst part is I don't even know if knowing C++ will help me understand bitcoins code or anything...
anyone been down this path before and can set me on the right direction?
Thank you in advance
Learning takes time, but Javascript is an easy language to learn. There's a ton of good tutorials on the web. Google 'Javascript for beginners' or try this link: https://www.guru99.com/interactive-javascript-tutorials.html
Good luck.
Would you say that is a good place to start for someone who has 0 coding experience? I will check it out I appreciate the link.
bro when you check out and it works out ...kindly messssage on the outcome..ok
vote me plz
Kudos for your work.For me, as a totally new Steemian, your dev @penguinpablo shows a world of opportunities. Somewhat below you mention piecharts for visualisation - that sounds like a neat add-on - perhaps you've considered PowerBI?
Or Coursera, I took the Stanford CS106 I think? Started with Java then C or C++ the algorithms valuable stuff! And later iOS. Do the homework assignments!!
I am on this same path as well. I started learning python last summer and took the online harvard MOOC class. My advice is not to get caught up in the syntax so much, but more on the concepts. Syntax just depends on the language, but the concepts are whats really important in CS.