Call For Working Group Nominations | UPDATE; ALL NOMINATIONS NOW CLOSED

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Call for Working Group Nominations

As mentioned in the town hall update, we are now taking written nominations for Working Group candidates.

  • We will be accepting ALL nominations on this post and NOT just those who cannot make the town hall meeting.

  • WE WILL STILL BE ACCEPTING ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS DURING THE TOWN HALL MEETING. This will hopefully just make that meeting a bit more organized as nominations can be partially collected before hand.

As a reminder, the Working Group's main purpose will be to organize the VOTE for the Proposals for Governance and Structure of the Foundation. See the town hall update for more information. This is not for the Foundation itself: this is a precursor to the Foundation.

Steem Alliance discord.To nominate, add a comment for EACH nomination. Each nominator must place a NAME into Nomination. A Seconder must REPLY on the Nomination Comment. The Nomination Comment MUST be accepted or declined in Reply, by the Nominee, ON the COMMENT. Optionally, the nominee may add a short blurb about themselves, which will be pasted in the #candidates-wg channel of the

Before nominating, please check if someone you wish to nominee has already been nominated, and second the nomination comment instead.

To summarize, to be considered as a potential candidate for the Working Group, one must be:

  1. Nominated in a comment.
  2. The nomination comment must have a reply seconding the nomination.
  3. The nominee must reply to the nomination comment accepting the nomination.
  4. Steem Alliance discord.(optional) The nominee can add a short blurb, to be pasted in the #candidates-wg channel of the

ALL NOMINATIONS on the blockchain, will close tomorrow, January 27th, at 1pm EST / 6pm UTC.


Further Notes

  • Any on-chain nominations not done in this form will not be considered valid and NOT eligible to be voted upon.

  • A reasonable amount of nominations is expected. More than 11 nominations from an individual will be discounted.

Questions / Answers

I am a Foundation nominee. Am I also a candidate for this Working Group?

No, the nominations for this Working Group are completely independent from the ones mentioned in the initial Steem Alliance post. However, you are free to accept nominations for the Working Group as well!

What if I miss the deadline?

We will also take nominations during the town hall, so simply show up Sunday in the Town Hall and get yourself nominated by voice. See the Working Group Election Process for more information.

Relevant Links

There are 2 pages

I nominate @sorin.cristescu.

Thank you ! I accept the nomination.

Short blurb about myself: I believe the community around the steem blockchain is trailblazing on a transformation path that is possibly the most relevant social experiment since the fall of the USSR. Yep, no less. Does such a belief indicate that I'm crazy enough for this place?

Other than that I work for "big government" in Europe (European Commission) where I lead a team of like-minded individuals (luckily more skilled than myself) where we attempt to solve "consensus among peers"-type problems using the steem blockchain.
At that level, the "peers" are not individuals though, but States (the EU Member States) and their national agencies.
Which makes me think that I haven't posted since a week ago and I owe everybody an update.

You are welcome, and I hope to see you as a member of the working group, soon! :)



I nominate @shaka.

UPDATE: It became evident that I had misinterpreted the role of the new working group and I thus respectfully DECLINE my nomination. My below statements can therefore be removed from the #candidates-wg channel @shadowspub. Thank you!

I gladly offer my support to help setting up a Foundation which aims to advise(!) on managing and allocating liquid or staked funds of a single stake-holding party (Steemit Inc.) to advance the Steem ecosystem as a whole. Basically, an institution that aims to somewhat decentralize some of the influence of our platform's major stakeholder. I also understand the scope of the envisaged Foundation as to attract investments and donations from the outside and to make proposals to Steemit Inc which of these to top up._

_In contrast, I would not be able to support a Foundation that aims to govern Steem-wide matters or introduce changes to Steem’s core logic. That always has to be the task (and burden) of the Witness panel. In this context, I deem it mandatory that a Foundation refrains from using stake under its influence to directly or indirectly engage in witness voting. Especially in the (likely) event that witnesses or their proxies will become board members. Refraining from diverging portions of the Steem-Inflation towards the compensation of Board-Members and/or to finance the Foundation's operations is a commitment I would consider mandatory too.

Further self-restrictions may be necessary depending on the amount of funds allocated under the Foundation's influence.

Also, I will always oppose any proposal to weaken or even replace DPOS / stake-weighted voting as the single mean to consent on Steem-critical decisions. If you consider stake-weighted voting a flaw or worse you should NOT vote for me. Having said that, I consider second layer solutions for non-stake-weighted allocation of separate SMT-pools or 1account/1vote enabling dApps valuable additions to our Steemsphere.

These critical remarks are in no way intended to express a negative stance towards the intension of constituting a Foundation but rather to clarify the direction of my input that is to be expected in case of my participation in the working group.

If done well, I believe a Foundation that focuses on how to help allocating portions of Steemit Inc’s stake and on attracting financial commitments from the outside can be of tremendous value for all of us. I don’t foresee a role for myself in such an entity, but I will be happy to provide my input in order to set one up.

Thank you!

You for sure will have my vote buddy!!

Shameless selfvote to lift this nomination up.

I second this nomination.


Secnd this nomination!

I wholeheartedly second this nomination.

I nominate @redpalestino

Second for sure


Nominating @jedigeiss - his thoughtfullness and age will take out the rush, his mind and knowledge will make things more secure and neutral!

Nomination accepted


I second the nomination of @jedigeiss

Could not agree more with your comments. I second that
(100% recht)


I of course second that!

I second that guy 😎

I second the nomination of @jedigeiss

My brother @jedigeiss ! I second and third that!


I second this nomination.

I nominate @twinner

second if he'll do it

Will do it, but can not attend tomorrow in the town hall meeting, I'm on transit in this time.

Your acceptance is noted, and will be on ballot.

second as well

I second the nomination of @twinner

A clear second

I second the nomination of @twinner


I nominate @edicted.

Very sharp blockchain thinker with some innovative ideas.

Conceived the idea of a Proof-of-Brain DAO and active member of the @dolphincouncil.

Posted using Partiko Android

I second this

I second the nomination of @edicted, he can be a pain in the keyster sometimes but he knows his stuff.


I nominate @alexvan

Thank you for the nomination. I will respectfuly decline it. My votes shall go to @shaka, @twinner, @redpalestino, @jedigeiss and @sorin.cristescu

My nomination for the foundation still stands.

Oh Mann Alexander - Dich nominiere ich nochmal für irgendwas... haha

I second the nomination of @alexvan

I nominate @holger80

Thanks for nominating me!
I'm the wrong guy for such a job, I'm more the uncommunicative python nerd, who loves it to program.

I decline

I second the nomination of @holger80

I second this nomination.

I second this


I nominate @felixxx


@felixxx declined in a Discord Server

the decline has to come from the nominee to be recorded as a decline .. thanks though.

I nominate @fulltimegeek because nobody knows how to attract flat-earth sheep like he does.

Your killing me here, just killing

I nominate @canadian-coconut because spreading nasty diseases is awesome and vaccines are for the weak.

I nominate @jerrybanfied, because he can blow himself and that seems to fit into this whole plan.

lol - people may dislike me for laughing about this, but you’re just f******* hilarious Bernie 😅

I miss all the ones he had for you ... what happened to those @berniesanders? Politics got in the way?

English please?

I'm just referring to some of your previous convos ... bernie-insults-surfermarly.png

I’m not sure what that has to do with anything I’ve said above considering I said nothing about her in this post.

Fuck, you are a halfwit.

Go back to your flat-earth preaching. Moron.

great choices! I'm gonna jump here because I won't be seen otherwise cause besides my Hodl Egg am not really on here except when taking breaks from reading Dr. Chuck Tingle books....I also would like to nominate myself because I blogged real good , initiatived the initiatives and my voice is worth something.

I second the nomination of @battleaxe

as stated in the article... there isn't self-nomination as an option ... BUT if you scroll down both @nokodemion and @battleaxe you wil find a nomination which @sgt-dan made .. you can second that @nokodemion and then @battleaxe can accept

I exercised my free speech to make a joke and am renominating my self nomination, Hey everyone vote for me, I can be the change you want to see ,,,,same names over and over and over on here and yet how did that work out? :) namaste

i self felatio this vote

I nominate @noganoo, the best STEEMIAN ever.

I almost took you serious till I seen your nomination of haejin, I went and looked and it seems the feelings between you two are mutual.


Credit where credit is due. Well played!

I nominate @transisto because he’s not a greedy fuck, at all. :rollseyes:

I nominate @haejin because he knows how to give back to a community!!


I nominate @ned because centralization is the key to success.


I nominate @roelandp because he wasted money on a stupid fake whale and runs circle jerk fests that have no impact on Steem.

xo <3 thank you for nominating me. it means a lot.

No prob, I know you like to waste time on useless shit.

I nominate @bilalhaider because he knows how to ddos

I nominate @ehiboss, for making Steemit in Nigeria an event :)

i second this nomination.

I second this nomination.

Thanks for the love everyone, I accept

yes i second this... @ehiboss has proved to be a loyal leader for Steem and has worked so hard to keep the Nigerian community in check.

I second this

I second this nomination with everything in me

I support this nomination

I support

I second this nomination, ehiboss has done exceptionally well in bringing steem to Africa .

I nominate @ehiboss 🤗 He is amazing

I second this nominated..

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I second this nomination. ♥

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

Seconded vy me...

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination.

I second this

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination, he is a leader

I support the motion!

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I seconded this nomination 😁😁👏

I second this nomination

I second the nomination

I second this nomination

I second this

I second this

I second this, he sure is hardworking.

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I nominate @faetee, the founder of the girls foundation and also a wonderful Who wants steemit to be spread all over Africa and her work is already visible in both Nigeria and Ghana

If @reggaemuffin has yet to be nominated, I would like to nominate him. A developer and witness who is truly involved in making Steem better.

(self upvoting comment for visibility)

nominate @llfarms, she's done a fantastic job getting us here

I accept and stand, if the community will have me

But not to represent a specific community, to represent the Steem community as a whole and ensure the transparency and community focused values that the original group started, continue.

Thank you guys ❤️

I second this (too).

I second the nomination of @llfarms

I second the nomination too

I second the nomination of @llfarms

I second the nomination of @Ilfarms

I nominate @steevc. Down to earth community dude and abuse fighter. Highly recommend.

Posted using Partiko Android

I second this nomination.

so am about you Asher?

Got to focus on getting a job, thanks though :)

Goodluck on that..let's go to london, and work x2 a week lols
hasta la vista!

Posted using Partiko Android

Top nomination, I second

I've been away and am catching up on what has been happening. I think I'll accept the nomination and will do what I can to help if selected.

Flattered by the support.

Nominate @eonwarped

I accept the nomination, and will stand. Thanks all.

I second @eonwarped, if he wants the job.


agrees with this nominate and second

I nominate @enginewitty , the original Steem @thealliance who is probably the hardest working community member we have on the blockchain.

I second this nomination 😊 @enginewitty deserves it for so many reasons...he has a huge heart ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes!! @enginewitty rocks! He is tirelessly supporting so many users and initiatives.

I definitely support this nomination! @enginewitty is definitely one of the most caring & hardest-working members of the community!

I nominate @truthforce

Though I did initially express interest in whatever this thing is, I am respectfully declining participating in this. I do appreciate the sentiment @valued-customer :)

From all of what I have seen happening here and the chaos around it, in the current state and how I see this going, it is just too chaotic and a time sink. Having the entire community elect who they think is competent is not a winning strategy. This same process would not be done when applying for a job. I fear that there isn't going to be any real criteria screening out a pure popularity contest/known figures/witnesses who everyone knows.

I am not interested in participating in such a thing where masses of uninformed people elect a group to get coding/work/marketing done.

I hope that this project improves and does well, and I wish everyone well in taking on this endeavor. If I am wrong in my assessment of this whole thing then that is a positive thing :)

I wrote up a post explaining some more of my thoughts on the subject, and the inherent problems I forsee the Steem Alliance running into should they choose to go with Staked Voting/Popular Voting.

I nominate @anggreklestari as representative for the big Indonesian community.

I nominate @guiltyparties

I second the nomination for @guiltyparties

Thank you, but I must decline. I will continue to offer my support as an objective outsider.

that is all we can ask for. Thank you for all you do!

That's too bad, you had some great feedback. Glad you will continue to offer support.

Absolutely support this nomination!

Yes! Seconded. Or thirded. Or fourthed. Or fifthed. However that works.

I nominate @battleaxe

Third and call! I rally all me pirate pals to support Battleaxe's nomination.
raises the pirate bugle
Join me, mateys! @tygertyger @undeground @justinashby

I second the nomination of @battleaxe

I second this, get a rogue Vermin Supreme type in there who will speak for the "normies"
you will also get a free pony...I can be your Jill Stein ! See the same names over and over and over and yet here we are, how about actual change, "Free Ponies" and a Pirate based economy

An economy based on doubloons? Shiver me timbers!

i have marked this as nomination accepted

After realizing I can not make good on my promise of free ponies and my husband telling me to not leave the kitchen (joking) I must respectfully decline

Oooh! Free pony! What about a pink alpaca?

I am killing the UV bot for TeamGood for now, was just time to set Alfred free to roam

I second the nomination of @battleaxe

Seconded this choice.

I second the nomination @steemitqa

nominate @acidyo

Yea, he's great at getting $100+ rewards for playing video games... WTF else has he done here???

I second this nomination as well.

I second the nomination of @acidyo

checking his site I third the nomination of @acidyo

supporting this nomination! Terrific guy he is!

best guy on the blockchain

Second that



Yes, to our bro, @acidyo. Fa sho 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

I second this one. He's great

Got bored of writing "seconded" so using gifs.

I second this nomination

I nominate @lemouth.

After thinking about it, I accept the nomination.

Seconded, absolutely!


Seconded! He's a pure heart!

ooh yes!! seconded!

I second this nomination.

Second! He is super great

I nominate @mariska.lubis she is one of the influencer of steemian from Indonesia, and now we still establish IBTI (Indonesian Blockchain Technology Institute) for spreading about blockchain education, then we will teach them to build the business platform using steem blockchain.

Posted using Partiko Android

I second for @mariska.lubis, she is one of the Indonesian Stemian Influencer from Indonesia who has a big concern in how to make Steemit and Blockchain well known, bigger and applicable in Indonesia.

I nominate @themarkymark even though he can be a bugger sometimes he does an excellent job keeping the masses informed

I second that.

I second the nomination of @themarkymark

I second that

support for the bugger 😜 😲

lol, he can be a pain at times

I second this.

I second the nomination of @themarkymark

I second nomitee him too

Posted using Partiko Android

Seconded with pancakes.

I nominate @iamstan, Utopian-io AntiAbuse Community Manager.

High energy and passionate guy.

Posted using Partiko Android

If he would do this, I absolutely second and support him

Second. He's good at getting things done.

I second @iamstan's nomination

I nominate @sagescrub, amazing talent and knowledgeable.

I nominate @jackmiller

I think I read in Discord that Jack has stated he doesn't have the time at present.

My nomination stands. I am sure he is aware of this post and being tagged in a nomination comment, but thank you for the information. If this nomination is not seconded, it is a moot point anyway...

I nominate @htliao

Posted using Partiko iOS

I nominate @freebornangel. He's brilliant, sincerely dedicated, and well-informed and intentioned.

Thanks, but I am not operating at a high enough level of crapitalism to responsibly fulfill commitments.
My wifi is sketchy and calendar tentative.

I relate to this more than you know.

I nominate @therealwolf

Posted using Partiko Android

I second the nomination of @therealwolf

Second without a second thought

Big thanks to everyone who has nominated me! However, I gratefully decline as I believe there are already a lot of quality people wanting to do their part in the working group and I can't spread my time too thin right now.

Again, thank you for the trust and confidence in me!

No problem, I really appreciate your decision. You have done so much for us and as great asset for steemit community.

Supporting this one!

I second the nomination of @therealwolf

I second the nomination of @therealwolf

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