[ANN] SteemIt Forum Now Open!

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians! I’ve created a SteemIt Forum because how can we not have a forum!

One of the goals is to have a place where we all can reference SteemIt resources and of course Promote your Steemit Submissions! , or check out the great list of SteemIt Tools.

The goal is to keep the community informed and organized.

Developing the Forum on the SteemIt BlockChain:

The other key aspect is we’ll be building the first ever forum built on the SteemIt blockchain. So in other words, get paid Steem for discussions. I’m busy putting this together and still need a dev. who can help with this aspect so hit me up below! , or email me at: [email protected] some of you know me as @steemitqa also so you can reach me there.

Now this is costly!

Of course I'm not RICH , so for every upvotes potentially can pay for this platform for a few months! hint,hint ;-)

So go ahead and join! and Introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself thread! Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!



Isn't this a forum? It really says something about Steemit when it needs a separate traditional forum.

Hi @neoxian yes, SteemIt has forum elements to itself this is true. Not taking away from this platform just providing another resource to help better the SteemIt community in my opinion. Letting people ask questions else where to not flood the site. I had a feeling this would be knock against this idea ,but to me I've found it helpful already to my own SteemIt growth. Good feedback though!

Well best of luck, but I'm not going there. Here I can comment and make money, there I can't.

It's not about making Money all the time!

Discussions I guess have no value. It all has to take place on SteemIt ;-)

" the first ever forum built on the SteemIt blockchain. So in other words, get paid Steem for discussions. "
This says it all@neoxian :

This is wonderful! Thanks for promoting my tools, such as the new Steemit Random [https://steemit.com/steem/@bitcoiner/steemit-random-discover-a-random-post]!

@bitcoiner I love this tool. I was waiting for someone to make this and you've done it. I'm glad I found it and posted it on the forum. Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Haha, glad you liked it! Thanks so much =D

The forum itself is already up and been in use, it's worth checking out! It's pretty nice having something a bit more persistent because it can be tough to track down that one post from a week ago.

I can't wait to see this added on the blockchain, that'll just be flat awesome!
Thank you for your dev work on this!

Thanks @sykochica ! I always like reading you story submission there. Yes, adding the blockchain to it will be key. Thanks for all your support.

I can't wait to join the forum.

You Deserve

I like SteemIt whales I'll have to use this for something lol

Fantastic. You can also get donations directly to your wallet too:)

That would be one way to do it also. Thanks for making a comment my friend!
edit: Oh gawd I just got what you meant lol thanks for the donation! That is huge! :)

No thank you for all your good work. I also sent some to the steemitqa wallet too. I like supporting people who contribute to the community.

I think this is an interesting idea and thanks for taking the initiative. It's questionable whether everything needs to be on-blockchain - for example, we have the chat rooms for off-chain discussions so a forum makes some sense as well (especially for post promotion).

Thanks @nonlinearone for the feedback. Of course I knew it would be kind of controversial as you can see the top comment on here is just that. I think we need to get beyond just SteemIt.com and branch out the SteemIt blockhchain itself into forums, chatroom and websites in general. This is how we grow exponentially. Post promotion does make sense and I think some people would like to ask questions about SteemIt and this is a better place for that discussion at least. Good comment!

Just signed up and got into the forum, look forward to it

Welcome @gosteem! glad to see you there. Glad to have you about the SteemIt train!

Does it run on the steemit blockchain?

Not yet. Working on it. Like to have it where people can earn steem through discussions. Talking to the ezsteem team if anything letting people become miners of steem the minute they sign up.

then it shouldnt be deployed here man, it is in no way a finished product at all and detracts from steem itself.

Is there any way to integrate Wordpress and Steemit?

where does steemit development happen? Is it here or a mailing list/forum?

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