A squeeze page is simply what it sounds like, you're capturing a persons info for follow up marketing. Lead capture pages typically provide very little details about company or product, they're built as teaser pages leaving you wanting more info. There'll be a place to leave your name and e-mail to be taken to the next page which gives more info. Based on your advertising objective they can be very efficient. Many entrepreneurs are building listings of customers that they'll market to in the future with any products they need. This is known as list building and may be successful if the list is built with active targeted audience in mind.
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This post is not about #steem (the currency). And one photograph doesn't make it #art.
I normally don't police tags, but I'm annoyed at this accounts previous actions of plagiarism.
Yes I see you flagging me. Have a few more flags then.
Thank you..
Yes thank you
Anyone interested in getting an autoresponder, there are expensive ones and ones that just work well.
One I highly recommend is Rapid Response Autoresponder (http://rapidresponsebot.com)
I've been using it for years and the support from Phil, who runs it, is awesome. I was fortunate enough to pick up a life time account many years ago very cheaply. It's more than paid for itself many times over.
Right now you can get a life time account for a single payment instead of monthly fees that add up to a lot more in the long run. See: Rapid Response Bot Anniversary sale
Disclaimer If you use the link I have provided and sign up I will be rewarded. However, I really do recommend Rapid Response Bot services. which is the only reason that I promote it.
Steem on!
Well, it was a nice post... Ha ha, but I didn't want to just say that.
All three tasks you've given me have been completed.
See you around & Steem on!
Awesome post!
Buddy Follow me @mlmtraffic