It’s because I’ve understood everything Dan ever said, THE VERY FIRST TIME HE SAID IT. We share the same vision of the future, but he’s the builder and I’m the user (the mass man).
THE SAME! That is the true reason why I am powering up and why I'm not "bashing" Dan, with hey centralization, hey you are "rich", hey this, hey that.... I trust that man, I understand he's vision, I know he can handle the power he currently has(he even explains that in a post of he's), I understand he's creative mind, I could say so much more, but no need....
Dickbutt's Guide to the Galaxy; a Steemit original Novel
omg kooler everyday
plz mash-up something a little more danceable next one
THE SAME! That is the true reason why I am powering up and why I'm not "bashing" Dan, with hey centralization, hey you are "rich", hey this, hey that.... I trust that man, I understand he's vision, I know he can handle the power he currently has(he even explains that in a post of he's), I understand he's creative mind, I could say so much more, but no need....