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RE: Steemjet Records Logo Contest - 5,000 STEEM in prizes + "STEEM HIGH" Logo Contest Results

in #steem7 years ago

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steemjet tutors 2-01.jpgGood day @dimimp Its with great joy that we have finally deviced the best medium to present crypto to the world, as a set of steemjet members coupled with some spaceforce members have come together to form a unit @steemjet-tutors. Here we aim at bringing crypto-knowledge to the public, am talking about people that never had an idea. As we plan on holding consecutive seminars in strategic locations, for now we would be facing our local vicinity before we start spreading our tentacles, more like the popular saying "charity begins at home". We the committee of the @steemjet-tutors are all cryptocurrency enthusiast and we are young vibrant student of the University of Benin, we aim to spread the gospel of crypto to fellow students first before moving out of the four walls to the state in general and later designated locations. Flyers and banners have been designed by some of the @steemjet-tutors committee and we plan on making a lot of copies lets say about 5000 - 8000 printed copies to help with the publicity of the upcoming events we plan to carry out.

11458 [Converted]-01.jpgThe motive behind the @steemjet-tutors is to spread the gospel about crypto, but with the price of steem currently the finances would almost be double. We would need to be "equipped to the teeth" so as to carry out this projects and also ensure that they are successful.

The Total Costs of Things we need;

  1. Hall = 650 STEEM
  2. Banners and flyers = 600 STEEM
  3. Entertainment and Refreshment = 700 STEEM
  4. Sound System (Technical) = 250 STEEM
  5. Welfare for Speakers = 250 STEEM
  6. Mobilization( Logistics for movement while preparing for the event) = 400 STEEM
  7. Fees for instant acct opening for interested participants(onboarding) = 1000 STEEM
  8. Photographer to cover the event = 500 STEEM
  9. Publicity = 500 STEEM
  10. Salary for organizers = 500 STEEM

Total:5,250 STEEM

We would also hope on getting delegated steem power, because from time to time @steemjet-tutors would be publishing posts of crypto education, investing, altcoins and more. Not allowing this posts to just go down the drain delegated steem power will help in keeping the posts on the trending page of the steemjet take. Any amount deemed fit by you is ok.

This great idea has been put together by a tam of spaceforce and other steemjet members, here is a list of your tutors;

@kilatunzii SF3 @eghe21 SF8 (hoping to be promoted) @brunorich SF8 (hoping to be promoted) @hornblende SF7 @bateren SF1 @joshuaedoja SF3 @tonerochi SF8 (hoping to be promoted) @okipeter SF8 (hoping to be promoted) @chukychuky SF8 (hoping to be promoted) @ced000 SF8 (hoping to be promoted)

Poster of @steemjet-tutors Team

total tutors1-01.jpg

With much joy we hope you tend to this proposal from us, as it would be one of the best projects ever of the steemjet community. Thanks @dimimp as we await you approval so we can start putting plans down towards the event's success.

@steemjet-tutors we global now 😁😁😁

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Link to post:


beautiful concept though, I will work on finishing the lessons

Helo boss, you havent cash me out like you said, please am still anticipating



Concerning the assignment you gave me, that is integrating music into a movie.
I wish to inform you that i have been able to come up with a production that carries music and dance all in one movie. With this project I will be working with steemjet music and steemjet dance crew to achieve a music and dance blockbuster movie...CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR THE STORY LINE OF THE MOVIE...

The script is not ready yet due to funds becauses I intend to have a script workshop(bring professionals together to help write the script) and it's part of the 10,000steem budget
This project is going to be on a large scale as singers, rappers and dancers will be trained to become actors.... The project is also aimed to help bring Stem jet talents to limelight.... Good day sir @dimimp... I really want to appreciate you for your love and generosity which is indeed second to none. Thank you so much for the STEEM and my promotion to sf2.... I am really and sincerely honored sir @dimimp.

Budget: the budget for this production is 10,000steem or more if you wish to add due to your benevolence.


Sir @dimimp you asked me to use shartzy plane some minutes ago. I have done just that. Here is the new pictures. Please reply your number 1 admirer.

steemjet record1-01.jpg

Sir @dimimp, this is my second entry into the steemjet records logo contest. As seen from the picture, steemjet logo is at the center of the disc, the disc represent steemit. This means that steemjet is the center crux of steemit. I also connected a microphone to the output of the disc, this shows that as steemjet is the center crux of steemit, it makes steemit to move, while the microphone pushes steemjet to the world, so that the world knows about crypto.

steemjet record2-01.jpg

Sir @dimimp, this is my third entry into the steemjet logo contests. As seen, the microphone is producing sound notes, coupled with steemjet logo. This means that with steemjet record, steemjet would be known around the globe

SF8, hoping to be promoted soon sir.
I love you sir.

I remain your humble and loyal admirer, @okipeter #iLoveDimimp

I hope the boss @dimimp appreciates my little effort. I keep getting ignored

Been here for many months and been trying but seems my effort isn't good enough



Design two


Here was my audio entry 3 months ago!/@steemangelc/20180506t170326390z-my-entry-to-the-audio-contest-by-dimimp

@dimimp You asked for a switch from my plane to shartzy's, i have done that already.

check out the new designs

Colour Variant 1


Colour Variant 2


Colour Variant 3


Hope you like them

Tech dev teamI am @kilatunzii

On the wings of superstars, we are words and steem

Hello @dimimp, these are different concepts of all my entries to this contest in coloured and I pray you find atleast one of them worthy of a position up there.

Keeping my fingers crossed









It might interest you to know that I did all these designs with my phone as I can't afford a laptop coz I am just a broke student and my parents wouldn't get me a laptop coz they feel I won't put it to good use. I wish they could see how much of a talent you have brought out in me. It would gladen my heart if you assist me with some steem to this effect.

I know you have a tight schedule right now and trying to focus on other things but this is a plea from a broke student...Anticipating your response sir.
