Contests are fun and perfect for this platform!
I was surfing the web for some good content and noticed a couple posts from the website Cracked.
How 22 Companies Screw Their Customers (In Just 6 Words)
The 11 Most Essential Self-Defense Techniques Everyone Needs
These articles were interesting and it seems the content came from the community. Funny thing is they gave away prize money for the best post! At Steemit the platform provides an ongoing contest for good content. However I think we can enhance and encourage original content posts with reoccuring contests. First we should allow some time for the momentum to build for a particular contest. It can attract others with similar interests to participate. We can also have rules and guidelines for entries so that there is consistency with submissions. As you can see from the previous contests at, the submissions have a similar format (eg. 6 word memes). For media/video you probably want an independent 'shorts' category competing with other 'shorts' compared to full-length features or documentaries. For music maybe you can choose a particular genre. Of course there is some subjectivity about categorization, but guidelines and rules for contests could easily be moderated and ultimately the voters determine if submissions qualify. Contests can be for any category imaginable down the road. Funny meme contests would be great and Tuck-Fheman would definitely be a front-runner for that. Essays, music, videos, humor, software, art, education, how-to's, most useful advice.. ... we can have contests for anything you can think of!
Early on I imagine Steem-related contests would be great. Something like a contest for the “The craziest thing you'll do to promote Steemit!”
Original content is king right? We really have to attract great content because that's going to drive people here for the long run and elevate the value of the platform and in turn increase the value of STEEM and create even larger payouts.
One area I'm interested in is startups and really like sharing business knowledge. I'd be interested in doing a STEEMit Sharktank with people submitting startup ideas and being a judge or at least recruiting Angels/VCs to judge. (It may be good to start with cryptoprojects). It will be a way to fund the winners purely by voting for them.
I'd also like to start a ReactJS hackathon contest for either the best open-source projects or business projects that will help the ReactJS & blockchain ecosystem. Again the hackathon winners and open-source contributors will get paid by vote.
What contests would you like to see and what would you and your circle of friends be good at participating in?
Those must have been the time. $266 with one 21 votes and no bots used. These times are over now.
I know this is an old post, but I'm putting together a fun wordplay contest sure to get people going... and coming. -The Steemadore