The Meaning of Steem

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

This is it, this is the whole story. I almost don't need to write a big post about this. Actually @surpassinggoogle just wrote that one.

This is not about charity actually.

I can't relax because once I solved my own financial problems, I can now hear the screams of factory workers whose fingers have been gnawed to the bone. Being alive and perceiving reality is mostly unpleasant.

This is about taking the time to find the mind gems all around us, and assign our own unique value to another. This is not about blind upvotes (although you might find value in that, so you can). This is about forgetting yourself for a long enough time so you can start to notice the lights emanating from minds all around you. They are all there. And they are waiting. There is also a lot of broken glass, too. It's in a different and more fragile state.

The magic we have been given is this: for once in all of human history we are able to send someone who lives half way around the world 5 Steem in three seconds with no transactions fees.

Do you realize the enormity of this last sentence?

The truth is, we cannot figure out what gifts we possess inside that would match that 5 Steem.

Everyone is an owner here.

You may not understand this yet, but you will.

Do you build sofas, lighting contraptions and tables for your Steemit visitors? Or do you break someone else's glass on the floor and scoop up broken bits that never belonged to you in an attempt to resell those pieces to unwitting suckers?

You either become a broken glass dealer or an inventor of dreams on Steem.

Which will you become?

Broken glass dealers have a short shelf-life on Steemit.

Everyone is an owner now. You coming in here makes you an active owner, not a consumer, definitely not a customer. This place was built by people, and most of us are still here. You are here now, what will you build? Or what will you try to break? Will you try to break the spirit of a poor Russian artist by stealing her artistic soul? You could never do that anyway, because the source of her creative mind cannot be stolen. She can produce more, whereas you will be broke again. You never fixed yourself and you still have that horrible black hole inside your heart. You don't know how to fix that with stealing.

Whose problems will you solve? You say you want more followers. Why should anyone follow you? Do you have an answer for that? Why, why why. Solve the problems that a thousand people have and you'll make thousands.

Solve the problems that affect millions and you'll never even have to think about money again.

You don't have to be a software engineer to build on Steemit.

Most of the amazing palaces have not yet been built on Steem yet. And visionaries don't need to be programmers. You can have a good vision of something you want to build, and attract developers to your idea.

Let's not forget that we are all mining with our minds.

You are not a consumer anymore. You don't need to copy anyone. All you need to do is listen to the barely audible whispers of your own mind. Not many are even able to do this anymore. It is because creative thought has mostly been snuffed out of human minds. We are all in a rapidly shifting technological age that is leaving the industrial age behind. The idea of inputting a "time card" into a wage-hour calculating machine seems more and more absurd and a product of a slowly dying industrial age.

There is no starting or stopping.

There is only energy.

The internet like the crypto markets never sleep.

The idea of a closing bell has nothing to do the universe, matter, energy or the natural flow of life.

Our cells never stop, neither do our hearts or lungs. Even while we sleep, we solve the impenetrable problems of our rational minds.

Did you know that the place in which I live was made into reality through a dream? I mean, a dream at subconscious. I let my subconscious mind solve the problems that my conscious self finds too difficult. Steem and all the technology we have been given at no cost to us is like a dream of epic proportions.

Will we learn to use these tools to create a new world? Is it possible? I am biased, but I think it is.

Many of us are like children trying to use these new Steem tools, and we keep breaking our toys. The creators had different ideas than that of the current world which is dominated by the idea that "humble, intelligent people are drowned out by the loud, noisy psychopaths."

Being able to give others wealth via the upvote is perhaps the single most amazing thing in Planet Steem. It's an unprecedented dream come true for those of us who have always dreamed of making some impact on the world. And of course the best part is that we don't have to even touch our own precious Steem. All we have to do is power it up, and then our upvotes become like magic wands.

This is fairy dust land, make no mistake.

The dreamers finally have a tool that they thought only existed in some far off land of imagination.

But this tool is real and it exists. The truth is that I always wanted to become Willy Wonka. I have the tools to make that happen now. I have to work on my mind next.

First time ever we have a tool to transform our society, and entire world through our own efforts and those around us who see these magic dust particles in every transfer.

We all like data, price feeds and statistics, I am no different. But when I read something that is produced by a mind which is literally loaded with an abundant variety of idea gems, like one would find inside a magnificent food forest, I can't help but realize that we are all here for a very imporant reason.

It really is in our hands.

We don't have to get all squishy and sentimental. You don't have to support those with whom you cannot relate. You can voluntary extend your value to those who you value. Steem respects choices, and being an extremely picky person, I am glad I can make my own choices each day here. I can decide who has value to me. This is a feeling of freedom.

All this means is that instead of playing mindless Farmville games, we have the chance to cultivate the lives and minds around us with whom we resonate. We can build instead of destroy. That's what I meant to say. And we can disagree, too, as we can honestly discuss what matters to us most. We have a good shot at being ourselves and maybe learning from other nations things that are lacking in our own countries. From Nigeria, I learned about humility.....

There are 3 pages

I am amazed how you ended, " From Nigeria, I learned about humility", One of the very first Word artist I found was from Nigeria. He has a way to totally immerse you in his world when he writes. From him and From Nigeria, I learned about humanity.

My eyes are actually tearing up a bit right now, because reading this post I now know without a doubt, there are real people on steemit, not just the bullies, not just the money hogs. Of you I never had a doubt that you were real, through you and greenrun, and others, I have found some wonderful people to read, and some wonderful places to visit through pictures and words. One day I may have enough steem power to really help someone, in the meantime I will continue to do what I do best, and that is read, and upvote quality content.

V for Vendetta, V, an anarchist freedom fighter, said and I quoteI'm honored to be mentioned here. I agree with @stellabella we all mine with our minds here. That is something no one can take from anyone. Like the 2005 dystopian political film,

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

No one can kill an idea, you can only steal or try to stop it. I like the idea of steemit.


I am so grateful every day to see how many amazing people there are on here contributing what they have in their own ways and helping so many people.
We can create the world we want to live in, we are the power~*~ We have so much power for helping here on Steemit and as @stellabelle said "It really is in our hands"


yeah, i do love the expression of not being able to kill an idea! I think this is quite great, and very fitting for our times.

Yes. It fits now more than ever.

I love not killing an idea. I love helping people bring ideas to market.

"Everyone is an owner here."
You know what I love most about this sentence here pertaining to Steemit?

Yes, you're an owner. You take CHARGE.

No, it's not easy. You gotta work hard and be consistent.

No, there're no silver bullets here. You gotta work hard to create your own LEAD bullets.

No, you can't "win" in Steemit with dirty hacks and sleazy marketing tricks. You gotta add REAL VALUE.

No, the people standing out in Steemit are not just the rich ones with high payout. They're the ones being HELPFUL and NICE.

These implications make for a POSITIVE community here with ZERO ambiguity.

This is a far cry from the bullshit I keep being sold on when it comes to some MLM "business."

Every time some friend tries to rope me in their pyramid scheme, they emphasize on how I am the owner and that I can call it a business. I am the boss then.

But dig deeper, and there's so much ambiguity and sleaze deep within. It never works and ultimately, more people get hurt than actually gaining something real in value.

Great post @stellabelle.

thanks for your very impassioned reply. The more free I am the less time I have for bullshit in my life. I have mostly cut out the noise by now. It sounds like you're at a point of doing the same. Sometimes we just need to be presented with an option. I realized I needed to find my tribe, those people who inspire me. I keep looking, and finding them....I feel that from each person I can learn.....but the ones who are simlar to me, and who are better in the compassion dept. those are the leaders.


I make no excuses for myself. I chased money for a long time, which resulted in me leaving Steemit for a while. I regretted that.

If anything, I learnt that if you start on a business with the sole will to want to make money, it's just going to be a rocky foundation.

But all I have to say to the sleazy, bad guys there... come on man... just come on. You may be the no.1 salesman or making a ton of money, but come on man... stop stretching it to the lowest common denominator just to prey on the little guys and leading them on to nothing. What's the MOST common lowest denominator? "no excuses. you're responsible for all your whole life. you didn't put in enough effort. results differ blah blah blah it's not my fault."

Come on...

I started 4 businesses and failed at all them. I instantly gave up. Then I found Altucher who writes. I realized I don't have to start a business. My ideas are my "business".

Altucher is amazing. Check out Mark Manson and Ryan Holiday too. They're the few and rare legit guys.

I love Altucher . She is from Carnegie Mellon University.

I am curious about the "noise" that you talk about. Emotional intelligence in business is key. With our interaction with technology, I find it that our EQ has gone down.

dear woman, i just love your big brilliant beautiful heart and mind!! So much in here I was cheering to, so often when I read your posts, I find you speaking the same thoughts flowing through my mind but with much more clarity and zest. If you were standing here I just couldn't help but kiss both your cheeks!

ha ha! Best reaction ever.

So beautifully expressed~*~

I probably would awkwardly shirk away, though....that's what would happen in reality.

Yup, probably I would too in that situation if some stranger came at me!!!

My lady..their is no day i read about your post and i dont feel like upvoting u with 100$ worth of.. I have been scammed i have been bitter, i have been mocked But i thank God joy is coming my way i have found home and ill will be doin all i can to support my fellow human here. I have found a home am goin to expolre it..i havnt lean all but am loving it here . i stand with women i stand with human stand wit Steemit.

@stellabelle I want to thank you for this article as well as the last conversation I had with you. Im happy to be able to understand this whole thing a lot better... after you spoke about being an owner not an employee, I thought long and hard about that. Its a simple concept with a difficult string of misunderstanding attached to it. literally everything in this article is so important for content creators to hear and understand. I don't think people fully understand what it means to be a "content creator" ON still in the process of understanding it.. especially the newbies!. its impossible for a newcomer to come on to steemit and understand the value system here but this is so important to understand. there are so many answers and solutions in this post and I'm lucky enough to understand this now, but many people are so far lost in the bullshit to even ask the right questions. I think the big thing that happens to people when they join, is that they see the dollar signs next to trending posts and then become obsessed with trying to make money and gain followers.. This is an easy thing to have happen. thankfully for posts like this and certain people with the right knowledge and intention, it can be addressed and there can be effort put forth to prevent people from slipping into that.. just like this article^ . I was unable to work on more content for the past week due to escaping the hurricane but something quite interesting happened in that time frame. I had less time to create posts but more time to stop and read peoples posts and articles anytime I had the chance to rest. this comment is the first time I've had a chance to provide real feedback, but sometimes being forced into timeout and only able to read and shutup is very beneficial. I got to silently connect with my followers/following on a deeper level and read through tons of different posts.i even found some more creators to follow.. this made me appreciate and value the "team" apspect of all this. Sure I see peoples posts regularly but this was different.. I read through tons of articles and different categories/ tags appreciating the knowledge and creativity of the community on a deeper level, WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO CREATE SOMETHING NEW MYSELF. I was able to forget about ME for a while. There is so much potential and brains here in steemit that it almost blows my mind. If the right circles(team/teams)of people unite and create, this dreamworld will be an unstoppable land of miracles and "fairy dust" lol. its so true.. steemit is legit something that feels un friggen real.. WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER. WE !!not ME or YOU but US. Slowly but surely my mind is shifting from "how do I make money" to- "lemme get my steam power up so WE can rock this shit and keep creating" .. This is a mind shift that is making a huge change for me. I believe that this is the survival of the fittest (in a certain sense), with the fittest being the most selfless and the most creative... and maybe a couple of other things lol. Now that I rambled for a while I should probably end this but I just want to let you know that through this article and a conversation you've helped me have a mind shift thats incredibly important and I believe that that others can also have the same shift.Im resteeming this so my followers get to see this also..I want this to impact as many people as possible.. I too want to write an article similar to continue pressing the subject matter so people continuously see the importance of this and it hopefully gets reinforced. Have an awesome night!

this was a pretty epic comment! I am so glad you had a chance to begin reading....I try to read a lot, but there is so much! Thanks for your thoughts.

You say it’s just thinking out loud! I find a lot of quotable quotes here:

I can decide who has value to me. This is a feeling of freedom. Steem respects choices.

Broken glass dealers have a short shelf-life.

Everyone is an owner here.

The source of her creative mind cannot be stolen

Solve the problems that affect millions and you'll never even have to think about money again.

Visionaries don't need to be programmers

We are all mining with our minds. Listen to the barely audible whispers of your own mind.

The place in which I live was made into reality through a dream

Our upvotes become like magic wands

And the best gem I like is the most important message to all those who keep begging for a follow:

Why should anyone follow you? Do you have an answer for that? Why, why why.
Solve the problems that a thousand people have and you'll make thousands.

This quote itself is so inspiring for making one's reading a rewarding experience esp. a newbie like me. Thank you for posting your random thoughts!

hey thanks for condensing the thoughts into line particles. I appreciated that.

We all can make the world a better real.Hello @stellabelle, reading your post today make me think of the help that our dear steemian @cryptopie is needing. Thanks to steemit, with a single click we all can make his life better and help him just in 3 seconds like you said!

I just saw this @progressivechef Thanks for the help and support

My pleasure my friend, if only everyone could see this and bring their help too.

Very impressive post. We can build our fate in steemit. It is an energy drink from which, we can boost our power of thinking, it inrich our creativity. You know friend steemit has changed my attitude towards life, it provide me not only financial supports but also become as if my world. As if I wake up with steemit, walk up with steemit and also sleep up with steemit. I have to mine my mind, my thoughts, my expression everything. I want to live and invest my everything for the development of steemit community and my people. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson from which everyone can suck the honey. Wish you good luck good health and happiness and great success in life. Thanks.

You don't have to be a software engineer to build on Steemit.

thank you for doing this.i love what you are building @stellabelle. the kind of atmosphere you are creating, the kind of example you are showing.

steemit is so wonderful
the dev team cant do what you are doing.
you bring your own unique value and the system rewards you for it
plus you have earned for yourself a swarm of eternally grateful followers and fans

Personally, have made up my to write and share with people who had lost hope to start believing again no matter what.

Just finish writing an article titled ''Humans that cannot be helped''. Don't use the title to judge it but check out the content.@stellabelle. Thanks for sharing this truth. This is the second time I will comment on your post. I only read them. Like I commented on the first time. Steemit is about searching within and making impact in your own little way. You don't need to be a whale to make impact. By writing things that will make a man that has made up his mind to commit suicide to change his mind and hope again is another way to STEEM like you said. I am a Nigerian and a proud one for that matter. @tojukaka introduce me to this platform and I can say it is a privilege to be on a platform where your voice can be heard no matter who is listen.

Like one of my mentor would say " don't judge a book by it cover''

I am an incurable optimist and I believe everybody can be one too, then we can have a better world.
Thank you for sharing this thought. I believe STEEMIT has come to make a statement by helping someone like me to fulfill purpose.
Thank you and God bless.

Always an admirer and fan @optimistdehinde.

If you are reading this article,consider yourself blessed.
You may ask why i said that!

The information shared in this platform and especially this post is so valuable that to access it some where else,you have to pay for it.

We are in a crazy world full of negativity(especially social media sites),we are so lucky to have Steemit authors here like @stellabelle and @surpassinggoogle.

These authors are doing all they can to inspire us to better and grow our selves.

If you have just joined Steemit,this post here will let you know of what Steemit is really about.

I am lucky to be alive today to experience the amazing tool Steemit is.

First time ever we have a tool to transform our society, and entire world through our own efforts and those around us who see these magic dust particles in every transfer.

I remember when around July of an initaitive to support one of our own Steemian who was to undergo surgery.
We are lucky to be in this giving community.

As this post says,everything and all power is in our hands.
Let us all make Steemit a great place.

I thank all the great minds doing all they can to make us learn the core values of Steemit.
I really appreciate the value you bring to Steemit @stellabelle and @surpassinggoogle.

yeah, and because Steem rewarded me more than Amazon, I decided to spend my time here...

The information shared in this platform and especially this post is so valuable that to access it some where else,you have to pay for it.

Thanks for spending your valuable time here.

I am touched by your post @stellabelle ."Everyone is an owner here" a great idea no doubt .visuals are amazing from beginning till end .Highly appreciate your contribution .upvoted and resteemed .

Thank you for all the support you've given us. You have no idea the smiles you put on our faces.
Steemit has been the butter in these economic hardship. We want to reach as many people as we can in Ghana, West.
Stay blessed.@stellabella you are a true visionary. but heyy if you are picking choices, ma team would want a piece- #teamGHANA.

Your content always amazes me :):) You have a brilliant way of carrying such true and real messages across. Thank you for your great work at educating and informing our fellow Steemians + the outside world.

"Everyone is an owner here."
"We can build instead of destroy."

I think those two sentences are crucial. We, as a community, have a big chance here!

The destiny of this platform will show if we, together, are capable of creating something bigger which, in the end, will let us profit all - in the aspect of sharpening our minds as well as in the aspect of raising our personal wealth by not giving companies like Facebook all the money for our content!

I am so glad that I have found this platform and am now part of this amazing project! But I do not only see this as a chance - it's also a responsibility!

Talking about responsibility, I want to show you one post of mine. It is about helping each other. It even does this in two ways.

On the one hand, you and your immediate surroundings will benefit by reading the post. If you like what you have read, your upvote will directly go to charity! If you resteem and spread the message, even better!

We collected over 100$ for charity and made the world a safer place!

Thank you for your attention, I hope you don't consider this link as spam! If you do so, I will remove it of course!

Greets, @theaustrianguy

Great post @stellabelle !

As a bank, I would definitely worry.
They have built their Empires thanks to huge regulation, governments relations and no alternatives.
Cryptos are able to develop without the need of hundreds of workers and lawyers to adapt to the regulation.
Regulation has been put in place to protect from theft and to give banks a high barrier to entry so they would be "protected" from competition.
With the rise of Tech and crypto; This is over and they know it.
They won't go down without a fight but overall blockchain is In the interest of the people (no fees, secure and will be made Easy).

Adapt or survive.

ha ha yeah. Adapt or survive! That's why I tell all my middle aged friends that they need to be bot shepherds! If you're not a programmer, then become a robot shepherd at least! We are going to need this....

Although there are times when I may wallow in my own Self-Pity. I read a posting like this by stellabelle and I become all Joyful and Gitty.......... @stellabelle you are right TURN OFF The NOISE. There is a SPARK in everyone of US and STEEMIT can ignite that SPARK..............Just put one foot in front of the other, then you're off and Running !!!

well we all wallow in self-pity from time to time.

no transaction fees is a big deal for EVERYBODY!

There are a lot of thoughts to ponder in this post. Thanks for sharing!

Wow @stellabelle you always amaze me with your strategy of writing as if you were dead !!! ie saying the nacked truth plus challenging all of us to bring out our best and help one another. I agree with you and believe that steemit is beautiful because of people like you @stellabelle that bring out their human best in helping others to realise their dreams...Thanks for sharing and for being true to steemit , hence why you always get an upvote from me.

In addition, I would like you to join the debate on my latest post about dangers of child pornography and sharing children pictures ...your constructive advise is needed.

Dear Charles,
I have no current "strategy". I would say that I am only spilling the contents of my mental guts onto Steemit. I do no editing, no pre-visuals. I only spew forth the contents that have been spilling out of my mind for the past 7 years of self-imposed isolation.

Good point, I agree... that makes you also a special person

Great motivational talk about Steemit! It is not easy to be talking motivationally and positively about a platform while also being realistic about what it takes to achieve your desired outcome. This post really struck me with how forward thinking and action inspiring it was. The Gifs were pretty on-point as well.

Yes, a cool video does not need to explain anything and everything is clear.

Great depth in all that you have said and to read how you ended this beautiful piece is mind blowing.

We mine with out minds is probably one of the most amazing things I have heard in recent time. Knowing that all good and evil thoughts emanate from the mind, and so when you have a platform that cultivates your mind into creating good content and doing good generally, you just can't lose the grip of making the world a better place some day.

I read every bit of this post and you said something so profound, any original idea can be reproduced. So, if I give a great content and someone steals it, because it's from me originally, I can reproduce it. Thanks for this beautiful post.

And again, thanks for making me excited and most blessed being a Nigerian.

I so love this great and inspiring post. Thank you @stellabelle

Thanks for amaging views share with us :))@stellabelle "It looks like donations or forms of donation existed for a long while. The oldest example of donation is street singers, dancers, magicians or circus actors. Having finished their performance they asked people for money. Donations are actually not only giving money. There could be given food, clothe another useful stuff. But we will talk here about receiving only money through donation. Donations have bad fame historically. That's why most people don't feel pleased usually thinking about ask for money. Some people consider only homeless ask for help. Not at all. Donation in no way should be considered as a begging. Donation is a support. A lot of people wish to donate to those who needed. That's why on steemit steemiants funding for helping to those who needed here lot off steemiants raising thousands just because we all are humans beings. What does it mean? It means that those who donated those looking for somebody who needs help. And here are thousands of steemiants want to help someone!

Steem on!

Love your articles Stellabelle

I have only been here a month but I find it a fascinating place. And it will be great to see how it develops in the next few years.

Great to be in at or near the ground floor of something that will (hopefully) become very big!!

Notwithstanding a few teething problems no doubt...



wow amazing
i just upvoted and followed u

"Being alive and perceiving reality is mostly unpleasant." That's my fave quote, all year!

ha ha, thanks. I had never expressed that before, but I think it's true..

I actually have fundamental philosophical differences with my own wife. I try not to confuse the kids but the "Life is Happy" attitude simply does not work as well as reality. Arguably, accepting the constant struggle allows for fleeting glimpses of true happiness that fibs will never let occur.

I like what i just read..especially this

Being able to give others wealth via the upvote is perhaps the single most amazing thing in Planet Steem. It's an unprecedented dream come true for those of us who have always dreamed of making some impact on the world.

I want to comment more but i dont know how to translate it in english....

you can comment in your native language and then i use google translate...

Ha ha ha! Now this is called humility @stellabelle! Thanks to Nigeria!

Yes, we are owners instead of consumers here. So true.
We have a chance to create a capsule society in here that serves as a model for a future society out there. This is a global village and a global market. We are being invited to examine our judgments about different behavior and different mentality every single day. And every single time we can choose compassion and genuine interest over judgment and condemnation.

everyone is working on something....some aspect of themselves....yeah, and we are owners and colleagues too.

Yes I'm definitely at a place now of seeing just what potential Steem, crypto, and the blockchain have for truly empowering us to be able to help others, and change lives, our own included. Working out an idea now with others, will promote here first. Thanks!

In fact I even blogged something about this topic and that is what is actually keeping me here....we can change the world, even half way around the world from our desktop/laptop. Help Save Arnold Martin
So on that note, please help support @cryptopie I have sent him some steem and sbd myself and will send some more because he Truly and really needs it. Thank you @stellabelle

It is truly amazing what the capabilities of steem is like. Transactions that happen in seconds with no fees is absolutely spectacular. It is crazy how steem has the greatest number of transactions and it is still able to retain those margins.

We all are mining with ours minds building this beautiful contraption where everyone is creating new things and adding value to our city.

However living in a metropolis leads to you finding looters, robbers etc.. who try to steal from others although one day they will be caught, it may be by cheetah, steemcleaners, spaminators or Sherlockholmes but you are not safe if you go about it this way.

Make meaningful comments. Make high quality posts and people will upvote you. Learn to engage with the community as in reality this is a social media platform. As @stellabelle said, you have the chance to join this vibrant community or be outcasted from it

ps. I had to re-Steem this because You literally 'hit the nail on the head' with this one.

EVERYONE on should Read This!!

ha ha! I was asleep, but had to transfer the magic dust to my Steemfest contest winners. After i transferred them the money, i felt somehow it was in their hands! I had no intention of writing....i literally was using this to think out loud...

Indeed, everyone is an owner here. We

Let's not forget that we are all mining with our minds.

Steem power or Steem dollar is just the incentive of being in this community, it creates even more value when people trying to build solution through Steemit (or any other place) which is the spirit of entrepreneurship.
I personally believe that Steemit has a great potential to become something like a bank of intellectual property with genuine idea and thoughts being express here. all need to contribute to make Steemit a better place. Like @stellabelle mentioned:

You opened my eyes too a lot in this post ma, leaders like you are deserving in this community..... It got interesting when you mentioned @surpassinggoogle in the first paragraph, He is such a leader of great teachings........

Steemit is we, we are steemit

We own the steem

👍 I'm a Nigerian

Very good post @stellabelle. . Thankyou for sharing 👏👏👏

Great post @stellabelle ! i love read post like this , please voted me @abdikadir

All these you say are fine and dandy, but still the metrics of the "outside world" run deep in influencing behavioural patterns here on this platform. Will technologies such as these transform our operational mindsets. Up to now, i only see the old ways in action.

To me the "outside world", was pretty much everywhere no one spoke english. "Will technologies such as these transform our operational mindsets." Yes The internet has been around a long time, yes on youtube I could watch a lot of yahoo's speaking in different languages crash into each other by driving like maniacs. That was the extent of my view of the "outside world". Now I have met an individual from Nigeria, and man oh man can he write. I get to see Nigeria through his words his vision, not some corporate media vision of Nigeria, but a REAL NIGERIANS point of view uncensored. And through him my view is expanding of Nigeria.

I have also met a fantastic Airbrush Artist that has just completed this amazing set of wall murals for an indoor play area for the Children. He is from I believe it is Kazakhstan, through his other works and people that visit his page I have seen some beautiful areas of a part of the world that I have never seen before. Those are two area of the "outside World" that I have been introduced to.

My "operational mindset", is completely open to new views thoughts and cultures because of steemit. "behavioural patterns, here on this platform", I think are changing in people on this platform. Ask anyone that has been on facebook or youtube what they think of the troll problem over at those two sites compared to the problems here. (and don't cop out with they have more numbers, troll were a big problem from day one on both of those sites.)

Up to now, i only see the old ways in action.

I see a path not traveled before, a new trail to traverse, no knowledge of where it will lead, but the destination is unimportant as long as we travel in good company. Keep looking, I think you will see the differences in time.

Your response was fairly brilliant. Were you the person who referred me to @greenrun?

I was one of them yes. I love his style of writing. I referred to his style in one post as Lucid writing, the reader is there when they read his stuff. Oh And thank you so much for the votes.

You could very much do everything you described before the introduction of Steemit, which is the focal point of the OP's post. The only factual change introduced by this platform is that you can get "paid" for the content you create. This is of course big news, but my question truly pertains about what lies ahead of this. Trolling is the least of my concerns. You can dress an uneducated fool in brand new clothing and allocate them an advanced toolbox of wonders, but they will still remain what they are because that's how they learned to be and behave. Are we creating and teaching ourselves new skillset, or are we, again, hoarding over a make-for-profit fairy dust sprinkled wet plutocratic dream? Cheers for your input, OP to the stand please.

I would be happy if people shift from other publishing platforms like LinkedIn and Medium to Steemit. Many do not understand the Steemit business model and find it hard to believe that money is created out of thin air.

I totally agree with you @stellabelle, and truly believe that this can change the world we're living in, since this is just the beginning. I just hope steemit will not be ruined by the greed and selfisness of people like so many things before in the history of mankind.

Buena info, gracias por compartir

It amuses me how you began writing this and more than I became when I read to the end.
I'm just speechless because you've said it all.

Who am I?
A dreamer



This is the question I need to find answer to myself.

@stellabelle thanks for waking me up.

Wow very nice post. It has given us magic: we have someone who lives half way around the world 5 are able to send in all of human history once a transaction fees for three seconds with Steem. Thanks I liked the post.

Wow! You write in a powerful motivational way. Now I, though a minnow, don't have much of steem power, but your post made me think, analyse myself, and a resolve. I am not near to any good as you are with words, but let me try.
You said we can upvote those whom we relate to with heart, whom we agree with. That is the way to grow I think as well. I am a growing musician, and a bit of travel writer, and I look for motivation and advice from others. So it is better if I focus on musicians, travel writers and the best advisers here.

If I upvote a post just for money or to get higher curation, I will lose the interest very soon, because I won't be connected in the real sense. In my own eyes I will feel less respect for myself. It is been almost 1.5 months, and I have been searching for similar people, and it is been hard. I never commented 'I follow you so you follow me.' because there is no point, it is such a shame that people do it. I feel disgusted with them. But when I peek deep inside me I feel I am weak as well. I also crave to write those comments sometimes, more so if the person is having higher SP than me.

This is a continuous battle with that craving, and I am sure when I overcome it completely, I am RICH.

Steem is only just beginning. It's blows my mind thinking about all the good posts and deeds I see on here everyday. Steem is the bare bones for building cybernetically supported communities. And, has the chance to create real transformative change from the ground up.
I don't know of any other crypto that has such a diverse user community.

I always enjoy reading your posts. And I really like the 'broken glass dealer' idea you have in this one. I am in a country where every little bit counts so I don't feel in a position to give away 5steem but I will think more about it...maybe I will give some away.
upvote & resteem

Thank you for sharing this. Such a good post.

I am, yes. The owner of my own blog.
I promise to function and contribute for the betterment of the business.
I consider myself a stakeholder. And #STEEMIT is our business. More power to you @stellabelle and the entire steemit universe. 😊

'Humble intelligent people drowned out by loud psychopaths'... love it. Your posts are so inspiring! Creativity is the most undervalued tool we have as a species. It breaks my heart to see it crushed out of our children in an educational system that values achievement over all else, or a hospital system that denies the mind. I live and breathe for creativity and that makes this platform beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and believing <3

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