Your now in the money. Your paper portfolio has blown up and your investment has really increase substantially. What would you do? Do you just continue to hold your position and make bigger gains? To maybe try to hit a home run and capitalize on a great investment. Tough and hard questions to answer. I guess it depends on one's financial situation and goals of course. Of course , it is a great position to be in but still the questions are intriguing and at times, no clear answer.
After all, how many times have we sold out too early. We were able to get some profits but then the currency went on to higher highs and we missed out on a really big gain. I mean, its good we made some profits, besides you always win when you do take any profits. We have to remember ; however, to ride out our winners. To increase our positions on a winning trade and thereby maximize profits. We must go big on winning trades.
It is so unbelievable when your trade works out and your portfolio increases substantially. You've been hoping and anticipating for this moment to happen, but it is so surreal when it comes to fruition. You're just like "WOW." What do I do now? Of course , it is a fun and exciting position to be in. You can spend hours contemplating what to do and the whole time you have a big grin and smile on your face. You just feel good and you walk around with a "swag" and a bounce. It just feels awesome when you win big. To be a winner!
Good trading to all and remember to do your own due diligence. Invest only monies you can afford to lose. Would love to hear your comments and thoughts. What are some of your strategies when it comes to pulling out profits? Would immensely love to discourse this topic with you guys. I upvote good comments and insights. Love to help out my fellow Steemians.
Disclaimer : Never invest funds more than what you can afford to lose. This post is my own personal opinion/speculations/ insights . Please do your own research before making any investment decisions. I am not a financial adviser, nor am I giving any financial advice. If you make any trades after reading this post, you accept accountability and responsibility for any lose that you may incur. By reading this post you acknowledge and accept that.
I think we are just in the beginning phase of the financial evolution and I think cryptocurrency will make a long way. So, to be on the safe side, take your initial investment when you think the R.O.I is good enough and let the profit ride through the waves.
I agree, but I still think we will get ahead of ourselves at some point and have a crash. That's pretty typical of such a pivotal market. Think 90's internet bubble... At some point you're going to want to take some profit out (not all off course).... and maybe diversify until the market gets low again then jump back in.
If all of this is a bubble, then I personally think we are yet to pop the bubble. We are in the early stages of cryptocurrency, and bubbles pop when it reaches the maximum level.
I agree that we aren't near the top. I'd hold for another year or two at least... that being said I've only been doing this two years... I have friends that have been in it a little longer and may want to take some profits. 1,000% it's easy to keep holding 1,000,000% I'd be taking profits ;)
Good advice. Seems one that I will follow. Thnx for comment.
I like to take out my original investment and
let the rest ride. Not investment advice, just my philosophy.
And it's a good one.. I have also recently started doing this..
Big plains !Bigger action! Biggest Gains!
Excelente info!