I guess you can use as many tags as you like if you are part of a tribe, I don't know if any you mentioned are tribe related but I've been trying to escape my own tribe for years so I am not into joining others....lol.
You seemed a bit depressed over the financial offering/outtake on things....you hanging up your king crown? I think they've made it even harder but there isn't much you can say to people who think they are making the right decisions. Setting things up so whales or exclusive groups of people are the only one's able to make lead way didn't quite make sense.
I'll probably mainly only use other tags if I am bashing other coins. lol I think the main Steemit only counts the first 5.
Leo might make me rich. :) lol I dunno if I will ever cash out though.
I don't know it's down 19%...maybe you see things I don't.